I would steal North Korea. A superhero. Also a chef. Also an artist. All at once. My perfect day would be waking up, working out, hanging out with friends, going to my job, having fun, normal stuff that doesn't make me feel bad happen, then going to get some tea or something with friends, then going home, watching tv while having a nice dinner, then going to bed at a reasonable time. It would be a nice, winter day with some light snow, brisk wind, and with everyone feeling just as good as me. The Santas would be ringing their bells for donations, there would be no trash on the ground, I don't come home to hear about a school shooting or more "can't stump the Trump" bullshit, and nobody attempts to fuck me over. Well, so far I have the waking up part down (mostly.) 1. Say you have one million dollars for a week. What would you do with it? The effects of your actions continue even after the week ends, and anything you purchase you will keep (though, if it has an expensive monthly charge then it will be repossessed.) 2. You've learned that you have the magnificent magic power of respawning within thirty feet of your previous body. What do you do with this power? 3. For...reasons, how would you pull off the heist to steal North Korea.