[b]Team Thunderstorm[/b] Team thunderstorm is composed of two members, Piper Lupelli, and Chumi Napihua. Together, they have trained and studied for years, hoping to one day become legendary explorers, and to go down in history. Preferably with a good deal of wealth to match. Piper and Chumi hail from Port Fort, a bustling port town, named for the imposing fortress that protects its land borders. Known for its excellent Orb Arcane Academy and almost-as-excellent taverns, Port Fort is where Piper spent all of her life(and Chumi much of his) before embarking on their journey to some of the only unexplored land in the world, the Continent. The Continent, or as it is referred to by Team Thunderstorm, The Blank Lands, is where Piper and Chumi hope to make history by exploring, mapping, and detailing all that they find there. They share the single goal of making those Blank Lands as colorful and detailed as the rest of the world, to see what there is to see, to become wealthy from its riches, and to live happily ever after. Piper Lupelli, 17 Piper, the Storm part of Team Thunderstorm, is a water witch. A magician specialized in the arts of controlling water arcana to do her will, alongside an extensive knowledge of potions and alchemy. Excellent at retaining exact figures and measurements in memory, and a superb chef. Can breath underwater, but not a very fast swimmer. Carries a scimitar, with which she is moderately proficient at dueling with. Piper is physically small, but a good runner. She has very long, smooth brown hair and deep blue eyes. Usually wears a silly enchanted witches hat with a trident shape at the point, and a plain shirt and skirt. Piper enjoys exploring, cooking, making it rain so she can dance in it, and looking at fish for hours on end. She detests insects, reptiles, and unspecialized magicians who think they’re better than her. Piper will not stand for insults to herself or to Chumi, and may cause for harmless jokers to suddenly become quite wet. Chumi Napihua, 17 [color=lightblue]MARKED BY THE VIGILS[/color] Chumi, the Thunder part of Team Thunderstorm, is a lightning wizard. Another magician, specialized in the ways of bending lightning magic to do his bidding. Aside from the obvious application of zapping friends and foes, this control over a more primal form of the arcane allows him a moderate degree of power over fire, the ability to enchant objects, and an excellent sense for the presence of other magics. Chumi is very good at putting spells into action, and maintains a clear head in bad situations. Awful chef, but good at starting fires. Chumi is much taller than Piper, broad-shouldered, but not very strong. He has short black hair, and a square face with shaded brown eyes. Usually wears an extravagantly colored robe, or if necessary, utilitarian climbing gear. Chumi loves exploring, food, furry creatures, and holding Piper high above his head while she is indignant at something. Hates reptiles, textbooks, and peas. Chumi has a good sense of humor, and is more than willing to abuse his friendship with Piper to poke fun at her. [b]Not Team Thunderstorm[/b] Enrique A shapeshifter native to the continent. Nobody knows his base form, but he typically goes about as an old, fit travelling man with a long grey beard. He never stays in one place for long.