Punctuality wasn't exactly Xun's strong point. When it came to anything aside from his music, if he wasn't told directly before an event occurred, he wouldn't show up on time. And there was most definitely an excuse for every situation. Having came to Ba Sing Se to hopefully make it big with his music and potentially show off his talents, he was slightly disappointed when he found out that it'd be near impossible for him to get into the Upper Wall. He spent many a day just kind of wandering about the city, not bothering to do much. That changed when he heard about something that was potentially going on. The Avatar had been calling for teachers from across the world, and that soon they'd be shipping off to travel the world to fight against some kind of threat. He didn't catch the tail end of the conversation, his excitement was overtaking him. This could be great for him! Stowaway on the Avatar's ship, and go to other Nations. Perform his music for people everywhere, make it big, become a name. A figure. He dropped everything he was doing at the time, which happened to be a large amount of nothing, and rushed back to his current home to collect his belongings. As he began to gather his things, he realized that he might be slightly discriminated against. The desert tattoos on his arms along with the somewhat ethnic way that he was clothed might end up making someone uncomfortable. Whilst he enjoyed the discomfort of others to a degree, he decided that he'd be better off in his old "work" clothes. It took quite a bit of time to slip himself into the old suit of red leather and dig through his possessions to find the goggles that he wore along with them. Once he'd suited up fully, and shaken himself off a bit so that he wasn't literally covered in sand grains, he realized that it was much later than he'd intended. He left posthaste, probably scaring a few locals and leaving behind some smaller possessions. Xun picked up the pace, rushing down towards the ferry to hopefully catch the Avatar whilst they were still in the city. As he approached the ferry, he realized that while he was slightly late, he was still in time to slip onto the ship along with the others. The sandbender stood out a bit in his red suit and with his odd, pane-less goggles, but it seemed that no one was going to bother him much. He reasoned to himself that he wouldn't bother him either. After observing the others on the ship for quite a while, he was surprised to see another ship begin to approach. It wasn't long before they were all alerted to a large group of chi blockers that stormed the ship and prepared to attack the Avatar. The waterbender, quite the two-headed rat viper if Xun could say so himself, took it upon herself to attack quite a few of the intruders. While she did an impressive job, it wasn't enough it'd seem. Xun didn't want to get involved in the fighting, his urges were kicking in a bit. It was when his eyes caught the mask that hit the floor. [color=brown][i]I must have it.[/i][/color] It was a near immediate reaction to the lead chi blocker charging, he released the lid on his sand container and used the sand to push himself forward in a near-perfect jet stream of sand. During said dash, Xun scooped up the mask then turned quickly on his heel and used a forward hand motion to split the trail of sand that he left behind into a couple of bursts so as to knock back a couple of the chi blockers. Hopefully free the waterbender as well. He turned to the lead chi-blocker, still holding his stance, and said in a very calm tone. [color=brown]"The best laid plans of meadow voles and men often go awry. Are you quite sure this is the day that you want to die?"[/color]