Time to swipe some sad sap's credchip and run, lads. Kansi the Thief is here. If any edits need to be made, just give a holler. [@Galactic Hero] [hr] [hider=Kansi Guleen] [center][b]Kansi Guleen[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1LhiNpK.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/4JGdHdL.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KAVoaZJ.jpg?1[/img] [color=Firebrick][u]Introduction[/u][/color] [b][color=Firebrick]Full Name:[/color][/b] Kansi Guleen [b][color=Firebrick]Age:[/color][/b] 28 [b][color=Firebrick]Species:[/color][/b] Dathomirian (Birth Defect) [b][color=Firebrick]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=Firebrick]Force Sensitive:[/color][/b] Unsure, open to it if GM requests.[/center] [color=Firebrick][u]Appearance[/u][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3WwuJ22.png[/img][/center] [b][color=Firebrick]Description:[/color][/b] Kansi is a Dathomirian of Near-Human appearance. She stands at a height of 5'8" and is of lean and dancer-like build. Born with a genetic defect that made her look more human than usual, the crown of her head bears a vestigial crest of horns that barely poke out from her hair at the best of times, and her skin is a tanned beige, like that of her mother. Her nose is round and her eyes are slightly deep-set, tired and heavily bagged. The only other major hint to her Dathomirian origins is the bright amber coloration of her irises. Her lips are full and her chin is softly rounded, flowing from her straight jawline. Her hair is straight and black. Though her face and neck are mostly unmarred, her chest and stomach bear the marks of her trade. Beneath her left breast runs a long jagged scar that follows the curvature of her ribs, and another gash runs from below her navel, through her belly button and up to her sternum. She is riddled with scratches, punctures and burns otherwise. She tends towards common clothing. Dark colours and loose fabrics, when off the job, but when on the job she dresses up as her role requires, in addition to hidden inserts of woven plasteel and reinforced ceramics, mostly in the form of a vest. [color=Firebrick][u]Characteristics[/u][/color] [b][color=Firebrick]Personality[/color][/b] Kansi is a big fan of the 'fake it until you make it approach'. In her basest mood, she is spineless and a textbook definition of a pushover. She will pander to please her company, and wear a smile big enough to keep attentions off of herself. She speaks easily enough when spoken to, but rarely pursues a conversation if it is not in her interests. As soon as they stop yappin', Kansi gets to nappin'. When the subject turns to something she is fond of, her company sometimes finds it hard-pressed to disengage her and continue about their business. When 'on the job' Kansi can become very severe and one-track minded. This can come off as apathetic and standoffish, but it is merely how she deals with and processes her work. It works for her, and that is all she needs. Her trust is hard-earned by the best of individuals, and even then she will still put herself first when the situation is critical. She becomes cold and calculating when she isn't putting on a face or playing a role. She is quick to paint a person with broad strokes, tucking them away neatly into their own little corner before finding out more about them. Most of all Kansi can sometimes suffer from an apparent lack of filter. She will speak her mind when needed and not sugarcoat things. When confronted, she will most often back down, owing to her lack of self-confidence, but there are times when her blood boils and her fangs come out. Usually when her belongings are tampered with or she is denied a reward for whatever efforts she has made recently. [b][color=Firebrick]Fears & Flaws[/color][/b] [b]Fear - Agoraphobia:[/b] Kansi grew up in a cramped hovel in the lower levels of Coruscant. Many years in the artificially-lit underworld, coupled with the inadequate but affordable living conditions, have led her to be more comfortable with enclosed spaces and areas of little traffic. She becomes anxious in crowds and cannot stand to be without a roof over her head for more than a few hours. [b]Fear - Scopophobia:[/b] In her line of work, Kansi has learned to be aware of when she's being watched. As a result, she absolutely hates it. Her eyes dart constantly for prying watchers and surveillance devices. Her defect has also conditioned her to think that being looked at was always to bring disgust, and that she should not be in the public eye for longer than she needs. Staring at her too long makes her nervous and draws her ire. [b]Flaw - Inferiority Complex:[/b] Being born defected as she is, Kansi has grown up to believe she is not good enough. She always looked too human for her father's liking, or was always afraid to go out and trade the wares he collected from garbage and scrap heaps. She wasn't the son he needed, and for that she was a curse. In time she came to believe this, and as a result has trouble believing in herself and sees herself as more of a tool than a person. [b]Flaw - Avaricious:[/b] Kansi needs credits like a Bantha needs feed. Everything she does needs to have an outcome that benefits her to be deemed worth the effort. Everything she owns is hers and no one can touch her possessions without her explicit say-so, and even then they are likely to get a few growls for 'handling it wrong'. When she sees something she wants, she doesn't just want it, she lusts for it. Material wealth and gain are like milk and honey to Kansi, and getting tunnel vision over a shiny new stun-glove is not uncommon for her. [b]Flaw AND Fear - Code of Honor:[/b] Kansi was taught and taught well by Annit, the Quarren Wonderthief. The one rule she was taught to never disobey was simple. 'In the great game, there are no rules'. The only other rule, funnily enough, was that taking of life was forbidden, accidental or otherwise. She may be a thief, but she's no killer. As a result of her tutelage, Kansi is terrified of killing or being involved with killing, and will sometimes outright refuse to be involved with such things. [b][color=Firebrick]Talents[/color][/b] [b]Heard she took down three Rodians with a Kloo horn. A damn Kloo horn! (Improvised Combat/Close Combat)[/b] - Being taught and extensively tested out in the field, Kansi is adept in close quarters using just about whatever she can get her hands on as a weapon. Kloo horns, chairs, welding torches, cutlery and many more, as well as her own bare hands. People say she once completed a contract by dropping an astromech on the target and swiping his belongings while he was out. [b]We turned the corner, and she was just gone. (Agility)[/b] - Being a thief on the run, successfully, carries a certain necessity for being able to get going when the going gets tough. That part is one of Kansi's favorites. Something about the chase and the thrill of the chase has led to her becoming adept at navigating most terrain on foot, and making herself scarce when its needed. She's fast and she's nimble, but as a result she doesn't weigh much. Featherweight, you could say. [b]I've heard she's a big fan of the name game. (Deception)[/b] - Kansi's favorite method of getting her work done is through deception and subterfuge. Hiding in plain sight, changing names, assuming identities and getting close to her target before plunging the provebial knife into their credits account. The tricks of her trade are not blasters and brute force, but practiced smiles and soft words. She can put on a face as well as any other, but can struggle in a role when her original self bubbles over the edges. Her defect makes it easier for her to look human. [b]Check your pockets, I think the waitress swiped something. (Sleight of Hand)[/b] - Kansi's line of work often requires what she likes to call a 'softer' touch. Pickpocketing, bait and switches, sleeving cards and much more are a part of her vast arsenal of dexterous tricks. Some picked up from her time as a street vendor, and some picked up as tools of the trade. [color=Firebrick][u]History[/u][/color] [b][color=Firebrick]Backstory[/color][/b] Kansi was born in the lower levels of Coruscant, where the habitation was cramped and the crime was rampant. Her mother died after giving birth to her, leaving her to be cared for by her father. For years, she grew under the artificial lighting of the Lower Levels, collecting scrap and garbage to re-purpose and sell off for her father. Life was harsh, and Coruscant Security Forces rarely came on patrol to Kansi's neck of the woods, serving only to encourage the barnacles growing on the underbelly of the city above. The slum district she lived in, C8, was popular for being the home of some of the meanest thugs and cartel members in the undercity. But the undercity life weeds out the weak and rewards the strong, and if there is one thing that Kansi knew then, it was that her father was strong. In an underground city so big that it had its own rain and wind cycles, it was easy to forget there was a world above, and stars beyond the buzzing advertisements and rumbling of great machines above and below. Kansi never knew the surface. Her father always said to focus on the new day, the new pay and getting through the nights without being gutted like a fish. Father was always concerned with survival, saying that he escaped being wiped out once. He never spoke of why. Kansi tried not to concern herself, between being berated and ridiculed. She merely focused on doing as he taught her. Next day, next pay, don't die. The routine continued just into her teenage years. New day, new pay. New day, new pay. On and on, so they could afford food and shelter. It was a scrape of an existence. Until one day, she sold a half built protocol droid to a rough-looking Quarren man named Annit. With facial tendrils twitching, he asked her to meet him at a rendezvous location for an opportunity to make some 'real money'. She agreed, anything to garner some more credits, but she didn't mention a word of it to her father, and snuck out while he was sleeping through the day's dark cycle. She arrived to the agreed-upon location, the rooftop seating to a local club and Annit sat waiting for her, looking out at the city from his table. He asked her if she wanted to be free of the Undercity but she had never known anything else. He questioned no further, as another party had arrived. Rodians, and criminal Rodians by the looks of them. Annit told her not to be afraid, but she couldn't help but shake. She questioned herself coming, and confirmed that she was just as useless as her father had said. Annit did the talking, and when negotiation turned south, he also did the fighting. Not a few seconds passed before he had disarmed and dispatched them with his bare hands. Kansi was amazed and frightened. She asked to be taught, to become a specialist like he was. She wanted to be useful to her father. Seeing potential for wealth and reward, Kansi was all too excited when Annit agreed. She was even more excited when he hefted a bag of illicit substances her way, to be pawned off later. She took to it well, growing defter with every lesson, with every day. New day, new way to earn her pay. By the time that Annit revealed that he was a hired thief, and was training her to become the same, she was far to invested in transforming herself into a tool of monetary gain to be shocked. She took on her first contract and made her first big heist solo, at the ripe age of 18. The remorse she felt was drowned in the sound of credits being transferred. Annit spoke of her proudly, but her father began to question her leaving in the dead of night and why the scrap business was failing. She drifted from life in the Undercity, beginning to take bigger and more complex jobs, even moving off-world to work when she could manage it. She bought herself a nice little hovel of her own, things were looking up. Her red letter day came years and jobs later, with the offer of a job she couldn't refuse. Annit contacted her with a target she simply couldn't turn up. An Ubese bounty hunter, working under the Hutts on a dry little backwater named Tatooine. Easy mark, easy money. Hitching a ride on an Imperial transport wasn't difficult, she did it all the time when she needed to move herself to and from marks who were more than a puddle jump away. Getting a lift to the Hutt in question's personal abode wasn't that difficult either, no matter where in the 'verse you are, credits bridge the language barrier quite nicely. The difficult part was getting her target alone, and making the 'transfer'. She hated the desert. Hated sand. But the reward was worth it to the point where her sunburns and dry throat didn't even faze her. When her chance finally came, and her chosen method of a sedative did work on her target, 'Kabal', she knew there was a miscommunication in the job description. The fight that followed was short-lived, but served to reveal 'Kabal' in all his disguised glory, knocking his helmet off just as they stumbled into the path of an Imperial patrol. It was only a matter of time before she was caught in her line of work, but at least she took someone down with her. Previously wanted for a multitude of crimes, such as Theft of Imperial Property, Theft, Grand Larceny of an Imperial Vessel and Trafficking of Illicit Substances, her past has finally caught up with her. How will she slip from the grip of the Empire, and into this new life of constant running? Will the addition of new allies enrich her life, or be her downfall? As a petty thief with an Imperial bounty hanging over her head, and an angered droid at her side, anything could happen. [/hider]