[@Combo move] Nathan swore loudly as the Gauss Rifle round grazed the left engine of his Vertibird, leaving a large gash in the metal. He would probably be able to get the craft back in the air, but only for a short journey, after which it would need some serious fixing. He called out over the Enclave's Radio frequency for the battle "Somebody get that bastard with the Gauss Rifle, now!", to which a pair of Enclave soldiers rushed off to follow through on. Once his cargo was fully unloaded, Nathan started up the engines, which made a rough sound of metal-on-metal in the left one. "Dragonfly 3-5, taking off now. Making immediate exit to nearest safe zone for emergency battlefield repairs." He called onto the radio as he took off slowly, taking far longer than normal to leave the area due to the damaged engine.