Name - Garfield Logan Alias - Superbeast Age - 18 Team - YJ Academy Appearance - [img][/img] Powers - Superbeast has shape-shifting abilities similar to classic Beast Boy, however he is limited to the alien wildlife in Superman's menagerie once obtained by the Preserver. This includes such alien species thought to be the last of their kind: [b][url=]Thanagarian Snare Beast - [/url][/b] Imagine a giant spider creature the size of a small house, however it doesn't spin webs. [b][url=]Starro - [/url][/b] Small amphibious starfish sized face suckers that can control any creature it attaches itself to. [b][url=]Igoonian Rock Ape - [/url][/b] As the name implies, an alien ape like creature with brute strength and rocky skin. [b][url=]Tundronian Rhinosaur - [/url][/b] A ten legged alien rhino with an even stronger plated hide, with a horn that can shoot a super acidic ooze. [b][url=]'Bone Serpent' of Daxam - [/url][/b] Largest known predator on Daxam that lives mostly underground. Can rip a humanoid in half with it's python like grip and pointed tail. [b][url=]Prehistoric Conarian Bird - [/url][/b] Think about an alien vulture, about the size of a small couch an average sized humanoid could ride on if need be. [b][url=]Humatoad - [/url][/b] Eight inch tall trouble maker. Hops around on all fours and can stick to most surfaces. [b][url=]Bearcat - [/url][/b]What looks to be a hybrid of a bear and a tiger from a planet in sector 2828. About the size of a small car, this beast is ferocious when it needs to be. [b][url=]Lightning Beast of Winath - [/url][/b]The Big Foot of it's planet, some people of Winath believe the 'Lightning Beast' to be responsible for large scale blackouts. Others believed it to be a hoax. About the size of a larger dog. [b][url=]Grass Monkey of Mogo - [/url][/b]Hailing from the sentient planet GL Mogo, this species of plant creature occupied Mogo's forests for a time. Can regenerate and elongate limbs, agile like a monkey and similar in size. [b][url=,100):origin()/pre14/482a/th/pre/f/2015/210/2/0/devil_dinosaur_by_ps2105-d93d8dy.png]T-Rex - [/url][/b] Prehistoric tyrannosaurus rex originating from Earth. Massive jaws can rip through anything they bite down on. [b][url=]Dodo Bird - [/url][/b]Small, fast, and flightless bird that defends itself by stabbing at enemies with it's beak. About three feet tall and roughly fifty pounds. Gar also possesses enhanced speed, strength, agility, and senses. All feral in nature, nothing too superhuman. He can run a mile in about three minutes maybe, like Olympic level strength and speed. Later on he will learn to imprint DNA from new animals to add to his arsenal. Weaknesses - Same fleshy weaknesses as humans, just with durable skin/fur about as strong as kevlar. Heavy arms fire, energy attacks, mental attacks, etc all work on Superbeast unless countered specifically by an alien creature. For example, you couldn't telepathically hurt his mind if he shifted into the Starro. Personality - Gar tries to be funny, has a big heart, and is a bit bi-polar. He'll go feral on your ass at the drop of a dime if you piss him off. Bio - It began with Clark Kent writing a story for the Daily Planet about his 'exclusive' trip to the Fortress of Solitude. The mention of an interplanetary habitat and housing the last of several alien species intrigued the big wigs at National Geographic and the Discovery Network. The cosmic zoo was once the collection of an alien called the Preserver who tried capturing Superman and Lobo for his gallery of exotic alien wild life. It included a somehow preserved prehistoric tyrannosaurus rex and the last Dodo Bird. Meetings were made between Superman and several biologists and xenobiologists and Superman received many letters addressed to Daily Planet editorial. Enter Mark and Marie Logan, both biologists, who were chosen by Superman himself for the tour of the interplanetary habitat. Their twelve year old son Garfield was also asked to join them at the insistence of Superman. As fate would have it, an emergency pulled Superman away from the Fortress, whom Superman left in the care of his robot assistants while the husband and wife collected data and photos of the remaining species of the zoo. Superman hadn't known of the Starro's abilities when it attached itself to the Logan's son. While trying to escape the Fortress the mind-controlled boy was bitten and scratched by several of the creatures and bugs in the habitat before the Starro latched onto Mark Logan. Superman returned and put the KO on the Starro, but had no idea what sort of anti-venom to give the boy who was already turning red. Choosing a combination of two or three antidotes the boy seemed to stabilize after several seizures. However, his red skin remained. His bi-polar mother blamed herself. She began to work less and sunk into a depression. Over the years Garfield's mother home schooled him as he randomly shifted into the alien creatures seen in the interplanetary habitat. Even a Starro! When Superman learned of his abilities he recommended Garfield join the Young Justice Academy right around the time of his seventeenth birthday. Garfield then took up a costume of his own and trimmed his chest fur into a Superman pentagon shape. Now, with a years experience under his belt, he calls himself... SUPERBEAST. Notes - I guess this makes him similar to Ben10, but I've got the extra two creatures in the T-Rex and Dodo Bird. ~KL~