[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/97/c8/3d/97c83d64b20fc10522b547fae9e3e86f.jpg[/img] [b][color=fff79a][h2]Name|Alias:[/h2][/color][/b] [h3][color=6ecff6]E[/color][color=fff79a]a[/color][color=f7976a]p[/color][color=6ecff6]a[/color][color=fff79a]l[/color][color=f7976a]e[/color][color=6ecff6]k[/color][color=fff79a]t[/color][color=f7976a]h[/color][color=6ecff6]i[/color][color=fff79a]l[/color][color=f7976a]o[/color][color=6ecff6]o[/color][color=fff79a]m[/color][color=6ecff6]([/color][color=fff79a]T[/color][color=f7976a]h[/color][color=6ecff6]e[/color][color=f7976a]o[/color][color=6ecff6])[/color] [color=6ecff6]N[/color][color=fff79a]e[/color][color=f7976a]z[/color] [color=6ecff6]P[/color][color=fff79a]e[/color][color=f7976a]r[/color][color=6ecff6]c[/color][color=fff79a]e[/color][color=f7976a]|[/color][color=6ecff6]E[/color][color=fff79a]s[/color][color=f7976a]a[/color] [color=6ecff6]t[/color][color=fff79a]h[/color][color=f7976a]e[/color] [color=6ecff6]W[/color][color=fff79a]a[/color][color=f7976a]n[/color][color=6ecff6]d[/color][color=fff79a]e[/color][color=f7976a]r[/color][color=6ecff6]e[/color][color=fff79a]r[/color][/h3] [b][u][color=fff79a]Hero Archetype:[/color][/u][/b] Completely Original to my knowledge [u][b][color=fff79a]Age:[/color][/b][/u] 20(?) [u][b][color=fff79a]Team:[/color][/b][/u] Young Justice [u][b][color=fff79a]Powers:[/color][/b][/u] Theo is the conduit for the Native American wolf god, Esa, the creator god from his tribe. When he was little, his mother gave away his ability to speak to the god, in order to save his life, however she did not know what she fully did when she made the pact and in so, Theo has a black band tattoo on both his arms. When he activates his power, his eyes glow blue and the bands match with a bright blue. Pelt of Esa: Theo is incredibly hard to kill, as he has a living god within him. He's not invincible or immortal but he is capable of withstanding the crushing weight of a house falling on him and his body can withstand impact from a full speed bullet train head on. Lifeforce of Esa: With the perks of a god being in him, he gained the strength of Esa, who was told to be able to lift mountains (not really, he can lift up to 12 tons without effort and 20 tons with extremely strained effort) and gained the speed of Esa, who was said to be able to outrun time (Again not really, he can run up to 330 mphs without tiring, any faster and he will be forced to stop and catch his breath). Aside from these physical aspects, his eyes, ears and nose, as well as over all sense have been amplified to that of wolf and have proven to be incredibly effective (I mean the kid has wolf ears for crying outloud). Breath of Esa: Quite literally, Theo's breath can heal wounds that aren't life threatening, and this power goes beyond just healing people. It can heal the land as well as animals and even heal the likes of material (It can remove rust, fix cracks, replace chips in metal. Part of this power stems back to the Creation of Esa, and allows for him to be able to do this). Eyes of Esa: Not in the literal sense, more so in a metaphorical sense, through looking into the eyes of an animal, Theo can mentally talk to any animal, or in the case of animals about the size of rats, up to four others and allows them to communicate back with Theo. However animals can refuse the connection and refuse talking to him as well. This includes humans as well, however he can only talk to two humans, as it puts and enormous strain on his body if he is to keep moving or in action. However if he is sitting still, he can talk to almost a dozen living things at once and it's amplified even more if he is in a place high above the ground and stationary. In this state, he must close his eyes and cannot move what so ever or it is instantly broken and his mind put into a coma of shorts, it's almost a cool down stage and he is completely vulnerable for an hour. [u][b][color=fff79a]Weaknesses:[/color][/b][/u] Aside from the ones shown in his powers, here are his others: -Pure silver is extremely harmful to his body, and if prolonged engagement with pure silver continues, it will make him extremely sick, to the point he will pass out and Esa leaves his body, reverting him to the sickness he had as a child. -He is a mute, so without a connection to his Eyes of Esa, he has to talk through written or typed communication. -He has a strong sense of protection to animals, this including humans and even more so his comrades. He will give his all to protect his friends and that of innocent animals. Even risking his life. [u][b][color=fff79a]Personality:[/color][/b][/u] Honestly, it is a bold claim he makes, that he can make a friend out of anyone. It is true, Theo is quick to consider most individuals friends, but this is a error of his judgment. When he meets someone, he quickly learns the greatest portion of who they are. Before introductions have concluded, he can understand a person as if they had been his dearest friend for their whole life. Better still, he becomes as listener, a friend, a helper. This level of intimacy often plays to the advantage, allowing him to discuss with his audience, the intricacies of who they are. The challenge being, who Theo has had to deal with a majority of the time. Since becoming a mute, there is a gap in how he acts and talks. Unfortunately, he experienced things because of this fact and it skewed how he is towards others. In the complex workings of both his power and mind, he finds that now he is distant more, scared to look into the souls of the people he talks to. He doesn't want to get to close, because he knows everyone has their own secrets, like he has his. only thing is, he can't stop himself from trying find out more about you, all it takes is one touch and Boom, instant "I know you life" and he doesn't want to know anyone without getting permission. For this reason, Theo is often perceived as weird and off putting. Not because he doesn't talk, but simply because he doesn't venture out much from his "shell" so to speak. While if you approach him, you could tell he's easily the nicest person one could hope to meet, and that he loves to have friends. He won't go out of his way to introduce himself unless you're an old friend or friend period. Don't get him wrong though, it's not because he hates you or anything like that, he's just scared of what he will learn about you, he fears that he'll know things that you don't want others to know. Knowledge is not all that it is cracked up to be, contrary to belief. Along with this fact, he is mute, theres no getting around that. It has taken quite the mental abuse on both his mind and his body. He's gone through the hardships that mutism brings to him, making friends, socializing, learning. This is another reason why he is so distant from others, he's just gone through too much. He also has a hard time letting go of things, when he sees you as a friend, if you were to die, he would be traumatized with the fact that you died. It's just something about him that makes him harder to let go, he's not obsessed or anything like that, but he is human when it comes to losing things, it just hits him harder for some reason. [u][b][color=fff79a]Brief Bio:[/color][/b][/u] Theo as kid was an adventurous one, living on the reserve that he did, he was like many of the kids there. He wanted something different something more exciting. When he saw The Man of Steel and people like Batman on TV, he would sit there and reply and watch for hours, imagining himself there with them, fighting side by side. As time went on, they decided to move and with that came all new experiences. However things would quickly go for the worst and bad things hit Theo and his family. Theo contracted an illness unexplainable by doctors, it rivaled the likes of several different diseases, cancer being one of them but was in a level of it's own. It made Theo incredibly sick, so much that they had to go back to the reserve, in hopes that fresh air could heal him back. However as he grew more and more sick, with every month passing, on his tenth birthday his mother would make a deal that change his life forever. His mother met with one of the reserves resident shamans, who then in turn gave his mother an option. Pray to Esa and he might save Theo or take your chances, his mother being desperate, she prayed and Esa heard her. However it wasn't so simple, his mother was asked to give up something of Theo's and in turn he would be safe for the rest of his life. However she did not quite realize what this meant when the god said that and in doing so, she gave up his voice. This however meant much more then she could imagine, Theo got better almost instantly, however with his health hastily growing, his once normally long hair began to grow more, forming an almost tail of sorts at the end and then suddenly wolf ears forming on his head. Black tattoo's taking the form of simply bands formed on his arms and it was apparently Esa did more then just heal him. It was found that Theo had become the conduit for Esa, and ever since then, he has began to be able to be the person he had always wanted to be. [u][b][color=fff79a]Notes:[/color][/b][/u] Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LKbYhEwUoE[/url] [/center]