[center]Hero Archetype: Original Name: Finn Mac Connell Alias: The Mighty St William Age: 28 Team: JL Powers: Finns abilities stem from God and commands powerful divine powers. When he makes a prayer to God asking to become St William, Finn is engulfed in holy light and is transformed into the armored warrior and thus has several abilities. His power comes from both God and prayer so when he is in a holy place then his body absorbs the holy energy created by prayers to fill his reserves of divine power. Master Swordsmen: Finn is superb swordsmen and is a master in the German school of longsword fencing. He has also developed a longsword fighting style of his own to fit with his incredible powers. God's strength: St William is strong enough to lift fifteen tons. God's speed: His reaction time is quick enough to deflect bullets with his longsword and he can run up to 300 mph. God's Wrath: St William channels divine energy within to create bolts of white lightning. This power is both harmful to both natural and supernatural beings. The power of this attack is determined by how much divine energy he puts into it. Hand of God: By focusing his mind St William can move stuff in a way very similar to telekinesis through the use of manipulating divine energy. God's Mercy: This power allows Finn's body to heal at a slow pace and while it won't save him from death, it can heal fatal wounds after a long rest. Resting on holy ground will speed up the process and rejuvenate him. Judgement: This is his most dangerous power and it causes him to unleash a large blast of divine energy that burns whatever is in its path. This ability uses up the most divine energy and its destructive power makes it dangerous to use populated areas so this is a last resort technique. Equipment: His armor is made from divine metals and is tough enough to withstand gunfire and allows him to endure large amounts of punishment. His [url=http://www.jamesthejust.com/images/Long%20Sword%20II%20whole%20hilt%20best.JPG]sword[/url] was crafted in heaven and thanks to its divine properties it is very deadly to both the living and the dead. It can cut through all earthly metals except silver. It is especially effective against demons and it is his main method of combat. The blade also has the capability of not killing an opponent by Finn simply willing the blade to not cut too deep into his opponent's flesh. Weaknesses: Silver is like kryptonite to him and it will slowly drain him of his powers. Pure iron can also get past his divine defenses, and while his well of divine power is large it is not endless and he will run out of energy if he uses too much of it for too powerful of attacks. Personality: Finn for as long as he could remember has always been a devout Catholic and had cynical view of the modern world ever since he was a young man. He has a deep dislike for artificial life thinking that it is unnatural and an abomination against God. His views became more negative after the technovirus enslaved several heroes and innocents. His powers that he attained from God were a sign to him that it was time to purify this wicked world of the sins of science and all abominations. For too long has good people sat by and let the minions of the devil bring the world to ruin, these were his views on the current state of things. Finn will not let others insult his faith without some very heated words. Because of his special powers Finn has developed a holier than thou attitude and will look down upon non believers as being misguided. Appearance: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/AvaWilliam_zpsqrhxs8i7.png[/img] Brief Bio: Growing up religious in the twenty first century was not easy for Finn do to changing opinions on organized religion and the arguments of the scientific community. Ever since he was a little boy Finn faced ridicule for his Catholic beliefs and school was a hard time for him thanks to bad education system and rampant spread of toxic neo progressive ideologies. He hated having to defend himself and his beliefs from the constant bullies, but it was a harsh reality. One of the first things that his parents taught him was that the world was cruel and that it was important to never expect society to do you many favors. He was one of the luckier members of the millennial generation because his parents never babied him and they made sure he had good work skills unlike so many of his generation. He also didn't fall into the trap that was collage and took a cheaper route to save him unneeded debt. So while his childhood had been ruff and full of challenges to his faith, Finn still pulled through with his devout belief in the Catholic church. Carpentry was his chosen career and he moved to Metropolis when he started his job. For a good while he was satisfied with life, that was until Brainiac took possession of Superman and brought the city's villains under his control. In his most desperate hour, Finn prayed to God for aid and he was answered by transforming into a mighty warrior of God. With his new powers and his hatred of Brainiac and all synthetic life forms reaching new levels, Finn is ready to bring back virtue and faith into this sinful world. Notes:[/center]