Vanessa walked in and saw two men, who made her a little suspicious, sitting in the local coffee shop. When the barista saw her walk in, she directly started on the usual order. She smiled at the girl behind the counter and kept an ear close to what those men where discussing about. It seemed to be a pretty heated conversation and when they said something about an Evo her eyes widened in a little shock. She looked back at the girl behind the counter but kept her ears open. Once her order was ready she took it and nodded to the girl. She saw how the older men left and looked at the guy that seemed to be not really in a good mood. ''Sorry, I have to work. Maybe some other time'' she said but placed her order on the table and whispered. ''You need to lower your voice, next time you talk about those creatures'' she kinda hissed under her breath, yet when he would look in her eyes he could see that she wasn't a 'hater' or something. She then stood straight again and walked away with her order. [@FunnyGuy]