[hider=Wally West - Kid Flash] [center]Hero Archetype: Cannon Name: Wallace Rudolph "Wally" West Alias: Kid Flash, The Fastest Kid Alive. Age: 18 Team: YJ Academy Powers: [b]SPEED FORCE[/b]- The Speed Force's origins are currently unknown. Whoever has the ability to tap into the Speed Force has the ability to run faster than the speed of sound, as well as other abilities. [b]PHASING[/b]- Speedsters have the ability to move so fast, that they can vibrate their molecules and phase through walls. This can be used as a deadly force, by a speedster phasing their hand through someone's chest, stopping their heart and killing them. [b]VORTEX[/b]- Speedsters can run so fast in a circle, that they can cause a mini vortex. Lifting up a person or object, and possibly doing more damage like suck the air out of someone's lungs. Vortexes can also be made by moving his arms around creating a tornado type of wind attack or defense. [b]HEALING FACTOR[/b]- The Speed Force grants the Flashes accelerated healing, however more extreme injuries on more sensitive organs and tissues [eyes, heart, hands, and feet] tend to take a bit longer to heal properly. Weaknesses: Speedsters have a healing factor but any broken bones, torn ligaments, or joints could heal wrong and cripple the runner. Wally is also defenseless against extreme cold, mental/telepathic attacks, and magic. Also, without being grounded and having a place to put his feet his super speed aside from other minor powers completely cut off. Personality: Wally is an up-beat, fun guy. He likes to make jokes, and he's a funny person. But he can get serious when he needs too. Appearance: [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/110715677/large.png[/img] Brief Bio: Wally West was born in Blue Valley, Nebraska. As a kid, Wally was a fan of the Flash and dreamed about being the Flash often. He became the president of a fan club for the Flash however his parents didn't like it, and they thought he was setting himself up for disappointment. He was hurt because of this, since they had lack of faith in his childhood hero. At age thirteen Wally went to Central City with his older sister Iris who was dating a scientist named Barry Allen. Apparently, Barry was friends with the Flash and worked for the Central City Police Department. Barry 'introduced' the super fan to the Flash. Wally asked the Flash a ton of questions. Somehow, the same day, Wally was struck by lightning and was given the same powers when the Flash took on another villain with super speed called the Top. Barry told Wally his secret identity shortly after to build trust, and told him to keep it a secret from everyone including his older sister Iris. Barry made Wally an altered Flash suit and taught Wally nearly everything he knew about the Speed Force and Kid Flash was born. Wally ran by his mentor's side for years until the day he joined the Young Justice Academy with other young heroes. Wally was with Nightwing when he was still called Robin in the Academy, and the two were best friends. Over the last two years with members falling in and out of the active roster, Wally was hit exceptionally hard when it was revealed Nightwing was behind enemy lines and likely a slave to Brainiac like the other two hundred thousand people in Metropolis. Wally runs with Barry and the rest of the JL/YJ heroes in hopes their friends and loved ones haven't all been enslaved. Notes: IS accepted. [/center] [/hider]