[center][h1] Oakclan and Boulderclan [/h1][/center] [indent][indent] Do you belong in Oakclan? The clan of the forest. Or perhaps Boulderclan is more your taste? The clan of the mountains.[/indent][/indent] [color=limegreen]"Greetings. My name is Thistle. Though I prefer to go by Thistlefur now. Starclan has sent me here to help guide you through this mess and get you to your clan."[/color] [center][h2] About the Clans [/h2][/center] [color=limegreen]"Ah, yes you should probably know how these clans even came to be. They don't have a long history yet so let me spin you a short tale so you're up to date. It was just recently that the clans came into existence. It had only been less than moon ago when a harsh winter ravaged the land. At the time, it was filled with loners, rouges and other strays, all who were struggling to survive the terrible weather. Fights broke out over the smallest of kills and there were more deaths than ever for the cats that attempted to live there. It was then that their ancestors, now referred to as Starclan, sent a message to the future leaders and medicine cats. [i]Build a clan. Support each other. This is the only way to survive.[/i] This message rang loud and clear. After some convincing and a few arguments, the clans were born. The cats split off into two groups. Those who preferred the forest and lower ground followed the leader of Oakclan. Those who preferred the higher terrain followed the leader of Boulderclan. Your story(roleplay) now takes place around these newly formed clans who make their home in the Valley."[/color] [center][h2]The Territory[/h2][/center] [color=limegreen]"What?! You don't even know where you live?! Well we better fix that quick if you plan on staying! Come now! I'll explain all the important areas."[/color] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/98a3/i/2015/358/e/d/map_by_bboozled-d9lbnea.jpg[/img] (Special Thanks to LadyRunic who did the first map of the territory during our planning stages c: ) [color=limegreen]1. "Alright. See that long black thing in the distance? Well, be careful if you ever need to cross that. That's the thunder path. It doesn't get in our way much except when we have to go to the Moonfalls. 2. "Probably the most important thing for the clans right now. It's the border dividing the clans." 3. "That's Oakclan's territory. It doesn't really have any mountain-like terrain in it. It's pretty much all forest." 4."There's Boulderclan's territory. You can see they have more mountain than forest unlike Oakclan." 5. "There's a very important place. It's the Moonfalls. Leaders and medicine cats go here to communicate with Starclan cats like me." 6. "In both territories there are a set of stones that the cats can use as a bridge to get across. It's pretty helpful if you don't like swimming in that water." 7. "That's all unclaimed territory... it kinda just sits there right now."[/color] [center][h2]Rules[/h2][/center] [b]-Be respectful and polite with your fellow roleplayers. I shouldn't have to say this but just in case. -No Godmodding. Fights are bound to happen in this rp but don't make your character untouchable. -Be sure to ask permission from another roleplayer if you intend to have anything bad/unexpected happen to their character (Mainly, killing them). -No perfect characters! Your cat can't be the best hunter in the whole valley nor the most beautiful cat ever. -Keep it Pg/Pg13. -No crazy colors or powers either please. I do want to keep it somewhat realistic. -That's about it. Just follow the basic guild rules and have fun! :D [/b] [center][h2]Joining[/h2][/center] [color=limegreen]"Oh! Ready to Join? That's great. Both clans could use all the help they can get."[/color] [b]Name - Gender - Rank - Clan - Appearance - (Pics are accepted) Personality - Relationships (Family/Mate/Crush) - History - (Optional) Other - PLEASE POST IN CHARACTER TAB[/b]