"This is the place, right?" Theo pulled up to the building, glad to see there was a parking area. He had been driving for several days at this point and was somewhat relieved he had finally made it. He got out of his car, pulled out a cigarette and looked around to make sure no one was watching. He saw one girl outside the building looking at her hands, suddenly some snow shot out of them, it was quite the spectacle. [i]Guess I'm not the only one with weird things happening.[/i] Knowing he probably wouldn't be judged he simply rubbed his hands together and caused a jolt to come off his finger to light his cig. That was one thing he knew how to control, the rest kind of did what it wanted. He walked towards the building as he smoked and gave the girl a little wave, "see you inside." He got to the entrance, stomped out his cig, and went in.