[quote=@Vhagar] Why thank you! I'm banking on someone taking the North or it could get very difficult to think of what to put in my posts... [/quote] Edit: WELL, I already screwed up by quoting the wrong person in this, so hopefully Bluetommy see's this.... So, this RP definitely looks like my cup of tea. In ways you would not believe! Couple of questions though... How trully big of a host would a King of the True North (Not that measley patch of ground just south of the Wall) would have? I ask, because during Mance's time, he had assembled a host of 100,000 wildlings NOT including noncombatants. Forces included Mammoths, Giants, and Wargs. Its a couple hundred years later, and I expect the majority of Mance's forces got wiped out, but its STILL a few centuries (If we're going by show events, not book events) for them to rebreed. So what would be reasonable? Is the Stark bloodline descended from Rickon or Sansa? I know that the Stark's are available for play and they're definately something for me to consider... but yeah, just looking to know where I stand with the Boltons. Finally, since Essoi characters are allowed... if we wanted to do a Mercenary COmmander, like say, the Ragged Prince or Bloodbeard, would such a character sheet be akin to King beyond the wall? Host, but no seat of power? Can't wait to throw my hat into the ring and be apart of this! This looks AMAZING.