The she-drake was almost disappointed that Genrit didn't come blundering after her into the woods where she, as a sleeker and partially camouflaged creature, would have the advantage. The thundering but fading wingbeats signaled that he had lifted into the sky, perhaps not the wisest move for a drake with a full belly, and the she-drake paused in the dappled shadows to watch the white male streak by. He quickly out-paced her and began belching flame down into the trees. The dragoness remained still for the moment, listening to the crackling roar of the fire-dragon's breath weapon and the hiss of the forest beginning to catch. Un-opposed, Genrit was able to ignite several hundred feet of forest before he had no fire left, and indeed the dry underbrush and high pines began to smoke and crackle, a blue haze spilling outwards in all directions through the trees as a black plume belches up into the sky, visible for many miles. Birds and animals began to flee, scurrying and bounding through the trees in white-eyed panic, screeching and braying in terror. A white raven roosting in the high branches of a sycamore tree lifted from the thin branch and flew up into the sky as Genrit passed. It peered at him with a beady blue eye and gave a stern "Caw! Caw! Trouble!" at him before he was past, and was lost against the sky. It was about that time that the sticky slime on Genrit's face and neck began to itch, the sizzling sound overpowered by the rushing wind in his ear-frills as he flew. And then it began to burn, a particularly worrisome sensation for a creature immune to the kiss of flame and unused to having his nerves scaled raw as his scales melted away and his muscle began to bubble and smoke. If he didn't do something it would slowly eat through his spine. As Genrit circled around, he'd be able to see the she-drake's dark form as she emerged from the trees and took wing, a green arrow headed straight for him. Like most females, her wings were impressively long. The Viper powered towards the White, hissing. "Foolish drake! Your flame is spent! You think to awe me with such a display? Let's end this!"