[b]Terrance Neston[/b] When the lights go out, Terrance is just a fraction of a second behind Cal in his own Lumos spell, looking outside through the other side of the door window. He looks just long enough to see the shadowy figures running around before he promptly steps back to the other side of the car, wand raised at the door. He didn't actually think he would be able to stand a chance against a real wizard...but hey, it was all he could really do...and his dad had taught him a shielding spell, so why not? Before long though, he sees a flash of red light through the window and hears someone walking briskly past. [color=ed1c24]"Well, I'll give you one guess as to who might be attacking the Hogwarts Express...right after a related news article...for reasons beyond my comprehension...I do hope they aren't here for rich students' pocket money.[/color]"