Adrian snarled in her face, then was quite startled as Enna's hand joined his own on her neck. He could have quite easily focused all of the raging turmoil in his body into his hand, and fried her. But he restrained himself. He knew Enna wouldn't appreciate him killing her. He released her, stepping back to give Enna room to operate. He growled, low and rumbling, fire spearing to dance inside his eyes. He watched her leave, his lips pulling back from his slightly sharpened teeth. He turned and enveloped her in his arms, taking a deep startled breath at the drastic difference in temperature. He began to speak, his voice containing a deeper, more animalistic sound," why is it that every time I do something else something bad happens." His head turned slightly as the twins entered, letting out a grunt at his question. "Clerk women decided to Coke and challenge Enna while I was in the shower." He stalked over to the bag, searching through them before finding pants his size, yanking them on to be more clothed then previously. [@Arista]