Huffing and shaking her head, Enna moves towards the bed and flops down on it. Curling up and calling her ice back to her, she relaxes and allows her eyes to close, sleep taking her instantly. "Unfortunately we can't move right now. As weak as she is, using her ability might harm her more, for now we have to rest and recuperate. Both of you need it more then we do." Jason offered softly, leaning against the table as James rifles through one of the bags of food and pulls out two large sandwiches. James offers one to Jason before beginning to eat his own, the eldest twin offers the bag to Adrian before moving to the couch and tugging his brother with him. "We bought clothes and food that should last us until Friday, it's Wednesday now. Enna won't move around much for awhile, I'm surprised she was able to get up and show that stupid woman she wasn't kidding. Just so you know, none of this is your fault, [i]she's[/i] obsessed with Enna because her powers are unusually strong for her age. She wanted to break her so she could use her power whenever she wanted, it didn't work and now she has other methods. It's not your fault boss, none of us blame you." James offers honestly as he watches Enna sleep, Jason remains silent but shifts his gaze from the window to Enna was well. [@SomeoneSomewere]