The Enclave were actually pulling back. Vor Shinse had hoped someone would beat them into a retreat, but she never believed she'd be there when it happened! Vertibirds were collecting the troops that they could and fleeing the area and she found herself slightly perturbed that she hadn't managed to collect any discarded Enclave tech or armor... Until she noticed the slaves. "[i]Govno![/i]" she cursed under her breath. That was just what she needed. From what she'd been told the Enclave had enslaved both slaves and slavers alike, making it impossible for her to tell who was originally a slave and who had been dealing in human lives. Personally, she would have put a bullet in the head of every slaver there, but how could she identify them? Ask? And to make matters worse, they were all wearing slave collars. Vor Shinse knew a little about tech, she could install mods, repair some gear and hack basic and slightly more difficult terminals, but disarming explosive collars was beyond her. So now she was stuck with a bunch of panicked slaves, strapped with explosives, not to mention former slavers whose greed- Wait. Vor Shinse smiled. "LISTEN UP!" she yelled to the group forming before her. "I want Enclave tech! Armor, guns, ammunition, clothes, whatever you can find! Whatever you bring me gets split 50/50! You bring me two sets of Enclave power armor, you keep the other set, you hear me? I don't care what you do with it! Sell it, kill your former masters, it's up to you! The Brotherhood can remove your collars, but I'm offering you caps and payback!" Mentally, Vor Shinse was grinning ear-to-ear. Every slave with a score to settle would likely be looking for a gun now and every former slaver would be not only looking for easy caps, but a way to protect themselves from their former slaves. Vor Shinse stifled a laugh. It was punishment with a twist, something they had a word for back in the Old World. What did they call it...? Oh yeah. Darwinism.