Anna looked over the wintery landscape that encompassed the Georgian hills and forestry and breathed in once again that distinct slavic air that every East European remembers from their childhood, something that outsiders would not be able to fully understand. It was the air that carried the smell of both hot food and prey alike that orphans and hunters would go and hunt for. It was the wind, oh that terrible wind, that blasted through the holes in your windows to create even mightier holes in your dingy Soviet era apartment. No one but the other Slavs knew what it was like to live behind the Iron curtain. Anna was getting nostalgic again, so she glanced at her new weapon while she was waiting for the go ahead. She supposed that one benefit of working with the CIA is that they had one of the largest armoury and range of weapons in the world, which meant that Anna no longer had to use the old Soviet Dragunov SVD, even though at one point it was best in the world, and could finally upgrade to something modern and sophisticated like the British AS50, with such power at her fingertips her enemies would no doubt fall at her will. This is what Anna liked, to live in the present. Speaking of the present it looked like they were about to make touch down. Ev put out her cigarette and stood up which Anna followed in doing so. Ev shouted at them and the green light flashed a go ahead which proceeded in Ev taking the lead in jumping out the plane. Anna briefly checked the straps around her and steeled herself for the jump down. She gave a last nod to Max and Muffy and dived out the helicopter. With the Slavic air brushed against her more intense then she had ever experienced Anna was reluctant to pull on the parachute and glid down gracefully, then again the points of those trees looked rather unappealing to land land on so she made the wise decision to pull on the strings. Two loud thuds, and with two more yet to come, echoed through the trees disturbing a few birds as Ev and Anna made their landing. Anna landed several trees across from Ev, so she detached the parachute, deciding it could be retrieved by the CIA later, and made her way over to Evelyn and then stood there in silence as she awaited further commands.