Bumpity Bump* *"My brothers and sisters, look upon the grace of the Bump Gods! They look upon you with great happiness and love you like you are of their blood! Defile the cruel mistress, crudely named the "Subscription" button and come back to the warm arms of the Bump Gods. NEVER FORGET!" Silence. "THE SACRIFICE OF OUR COMRADES IN THE GREAT WAR AGAINST THE HERETICAL REPLY BOB! MAY THEIR FOLLOWERS DIE IN HELLFIRE!" Silence. "We shall stand united against this new "Subscription" button and their evil Reply Bob allies." Silence. "FIGHT COMRADES, USING THE STRENGTH OF OUR BUMP! WE SHALL VANQUISH THIS EVIL FROM OUR REALM, [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com[/url], AND CAST IT BACK INTO THE DARKNESS! PRAISE THE HOLY BUMP GODS IN ALL THEIR GLORY, PRAISE THEE IN THEIR NAME! DEATH TO THE REPLY BOB AND MAY THE SUBSCRIPTION BUTTON ROT IN HELL." Short applause.