Both Jiro and Nayu noticed the boy yelling at Rini calling her a android. [color=ed1c24]An android, of all things why a android?"[/color] One of the things he could never, oddly enough since he found people fighting amusing, was bullying. He found it cowardly to pick on the weak and thought the strong should protect and not neglect or abuse them. He was about to walk over and give a nice little chat with the boy when by his surprise Nayu walked over and took care of it. She was a lot more physical than he would usually be but he really never had to be with his appearance. After the boy scurried away, a different boy handed her a tissue. She walked back to Jiro and said "lets go?" He replied pretending like it didn't happen [color=ed1c24]"Um, ok."[/color] He lead the way out of the classroom checking over his shoulder to see if the teacher even noticed, which he didn't. He gestured to the right saying [color=ed1c24]"I think I saw the nurses office this way."[/color] They walked side by side in silence for few minutes. He tried sneaking a glance at Nayus body. She was about average height now that she was standing, in fact she was probably average in every way physical. He quickly looked the opposite direction of Nayu trying to think of what to make conversation of, hoping she didn't notice though he didn't know why he felt embarrassed to look at her... [@sakurasan] (Sorry for any misspellings, I didn't look it over and I got Christmas breakfast, lunch, and dinner cooking D: )