The barricade was finished, Mako stowed safely in a corner and Royce was poised ready to give anyone coming through that door a face full of lead. He checked the seals on his armour-mounted guns one last time, just to be sure; SeeD could break in at any moment, so he had to be pre- A sudden feeling of queasiness flooded over them and Royce had to grab his gut to stop throwing his breakfast back up. As he looked down, he realised that he was... naked..? His weapons were gone, his armour vanished. Before his mind could process this mind-boggling turn of events, a sharp pain erupted from his chest and he collapsed into a violent fit of coughing. Blood bubbled up in his throat as he choked. utterly bewildered by the attack, but determined not to let it beat him, Royce staggered over to the barricade to hold the attackers back. He didn't spare a glance for Mako, who had passed out cold on the deck. Royce's mind raced as his vision darkened, thinking furiously. The only conclusion he could come to was that they had been EMPed; how else could he account for his implants suddenly failing? If he had had longer, perhaps he could have made his peace. Unfortunately if his implants were down, then that meant his pacemakers would be dead too... His only regret was that he didn't have some sort of explosive left, so he could take the bastards with him.