[@LordofthePies] [color=92278f]"I do not know - I've never had any friends before; you are my first, but it [i]is[/i] obvious,"[/color] confirmed Karen. She saw no reason to be dishonest, for there was nothing wrong with feeling fear. She did not understand its gravity before, but now she did. Fear was not a sin, but Karen knew that giving in to it was, and [i]she[/i] was the one who had given in first. [color=92278f]"You acted admirably there. You have nothing to be ashamed of.[/color]" She spoke the truth as she saw it, meaning every word and hoping that Bishop understood that she was not just patronizing him. Retracting her arm, Karen made her way back to her seat on the opposite side, as calmly as ever. She loosed a deep sigh and rested her head on the compartment walls, feeling drained all of a sudden. Once the fear and anger were gone from her system, she realized just how stressed she was, and how tired that had made her. Karen yawned [color=92278f]"A favor, Bishop. I believe I am tired so . . .please wake me up once we . . . near . . . the castle."[/color] She trailed off, succumbing to sleep finally.