For what it was worth, the situation wasn't all that bad. Well, compared to other possible outcomes. Ashton's movement was quick and precise, ducking into cover to reload before coming out to make a quick but precise shot. Of course, her pace slowed as the enemy soldiers focused their fire on her to keep the sniper down. And she could hear their footsteps make it pass the door. Duncan however launched into action. Coming around the corner and firing with sprays of bullets toward the taken off guard opponents. Hearing several thuds of bodies, Ashton soon resumed her quick firing now that the line of suppressing her was interrupted. Each were usually precise. Through the head, and despite Duncan now being in the Crossfire, she didn't hit him. Granted, a few times the bullet may have zoomed passed him at nervous levels if one would of slowed down time to take a good look at the bullet's path, but she never missed her intended target. Well. Maybe a little. A couple of them she hit in their throat. As another pair of footsteps could be heard, she reloaded before aiming her sniper towards the new arrival. Finger on the trigger, before her teal eyes managed to register the man who arrived was a ally. His words confirming it as he came dashing toward them. So she didn't shoot him, but still fired passed him to hit another enemy soldier. Changing her target quickly to one more productive. Listening to their conversation while also focusing on what she was doing, after all, it wasn't a good idea for a sniper to lose focus on what they were doing. Could lead putting a bullet in a ally's face for example. Listening to Duncan's new plan, the dirty blonde nodded in agreement. Waiting for the others to go, she applied covering fire before rushing after them, before waiting around the corner for the second charge. Glancing toward the others for their next move.