Alex saw the embarrassment he'd caused the girl dispelling his weapon, he turned to the few students who'd stopped to watch. 'Well, come now, did I say stop?' he said to them in even tones 'How do you expect to be good fighters if you keep stopping?' the students returned to their drill without a word, knowing better than to push Alex. Alex turned back to the girl walking over to the weapon wrack that she was wrestling with, he saw the sword she'd been wielding dissolve back into sand and heard her stammering some more apologies. 'You needn't worry' he began 'You've got quite the technique I must say, few people are able to make good use of a weapon like a Khopesh. In future however maybe ask to join the class before launching in with such enthusiasm?' he offered her his hand, his smile returning as he realised the humour in the incident. 'My name is Alexander Orolos, son of Nemesis, I think we got off on the wrong foot, might I ask what is your name?'