He turned and gazed at Enna, taking a deep breath. Moving over to the bedside, he reached down to brush his hand over her arm before standing to leave her be. He sighed softly, running his hand through his hair before approaching the window, leaning against the wall and peering out from behind the curtain, gazing down at the street and everything that was going on. He leaned his head up against the wall, taking a deep breath again and letting it out in a puff of air. He could still feel how warm his body was, but he couldn't cool it down. He'd just have to wait to calm down enough to be able to sedate his power. He closed his eyes, listening to the two twins talk, his nose flaring slightly as they began to talk about how it wasn't his fault. He began to speak, his voice low and grumbling deep in his chest," then why is it that I seem to have no power to protect her. Every time I try, it seems to get worse. I barely get a scratch, and she is bleeding. I attack someone to allow her time to run, and it ends up backfiring and hurting all of you instead. I seem to do more harm then good." His lips pulled back over his teeth, standing to face the window," I'm weak. Everyone just walks all over me. I'm powerless." His breathing began to pick up, his emotions starting to spiral out of control. Flames began to flicker around his hands and up his arms, glaring in self hate out the window. His thoughts were getting to the point of rash now. "I'm going after her. If I can surprise her, I can stop her, and hopefully end all of this." [@Arista]