[center][img]http://cdn.bleedingcool.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/s3.png[/img] [color=bc8dbf][b]Name:[/b] Koriand'r - Princess of Tamaran [b]Alias:[/b] Starfire [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Team:[/b] Young Justice[/color] [/center] [color=82ca9d][h3][b]Powers:[/b][/h3][/color] [b]Ultraviolet Energy Projection: [/b] -Starbolts – Her signature power by feeling righteous fury, conjuring green bolts of energy within her hands and able to direct them as projectiles. -Starbolt shields – can conjure strong defensive barriers to surround her or allies -Laser beam eyes – after enduring the Tamaranean version of puberty dubbed 'The Transformation' she is able to shoot her green energy in beams from her eyes, in a concentrated amount and in a precise way, useful when her hands are bound and for surprise attacks. [b]Tamaranean Physiology:[/b] -super strength by feeling boundless confidence. -super endurance (can withstand extreme temperatures and even explosions) -immune to radiation -transference of knowledge via lip contact, in order to gain the use of other languages. -hand to hand combat – as her homeworld is war-like in nature she has received extensive Tamaranean martial arts training. [b]Supersonic Flight[/b] – She can achieve FTL flight when feeling unbridled joy and can travel through space without the need of a space suit, but she cant go on forever without breathing, she will need to eventually. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Naivety – Starfire is very innocent and naïve about humans and their cultures. This can lead her to misinterpret her comrades, enemies and strangers alike and they have every opportunity to mislead and betray her. Emotional – She is considered a very emotional girl and thus a basis of her powers. If she feels upset or depressed, she cannot use her powers. Allergy to metallic chromium - giving her flu-like symptoms and she produces explosive starbolts through her nose and mouth when sneezing. [color=82ca9d][h3][b]Bio:[/b][/h3] [/color] Starfire is a bright and passionate girl with a lot of naivete and innocence when it comes to human culture but on her homeworld she has to be tough and ruthless like her peers or be branded as 'weak'. She would just prefer to be nice. She grew up with her older sister's shadow overlooking her since day one. Blackfire/Komand'r always looked down upon her little sister. Blackfire was always the better fighter and bested Starfire every time, but Starfire out did her elder sister in her beauty. As they grew of age, Blackfire grew more jealous of her sister's red fiery long locks and emerald eyes. One day she sold her sister to the Gordanians as their war trophy. And Blackfire assumed sole ruler-ship of Tamaran, unquestioned without her sister to challenge her right to the throne. The Gordanians then used Starfire as their gladiator - throwing her into battle arenas with the strongest species. And Starfire remained unbeaten thanks to her green starbolts, energy ray eyes and super human strength and flight. It was on the way to their planet that the Gordanians had taken Starfire prisoner on board their vessel. When they neared the planet Earth some time later the Gordanians felt Starfire's righteous fury when she broke free and escaped to the green and blue planet. There she met a team of young heroes who helped to fend off her captors and ultimately free her from her life of captivity. Since not one Tamaranean had come to her aid or even seemed to be bothered by her absence, she decided to stay on Earth with her newly formed friends. They seemed 'nice'. A concept she was not used to in her culture. It was a refreshing change to be among people who cared for her well-being and defended her. And although she is very beautiful, there are some people in the galaxy that refer to Tamaraneans as 'Troq', which is a racist insult that means “you are nothing”.