Oakstar stretched and slinked out of his den. He flexed his claws into the ground as he looked out of his new home. His den rested in a large whole in the great oak tree that loomed over their camp in an almost protective fashion. He had made his home tad more comfortable by lining the den with moss and a few feathers he had managed to scavenged. It was a trick he had learned from his travels that made sleeping in the forest a tad more comfy. He looked down at the cats that had chosen to follow him rather than his rival leader, Boulder.... Though the other tom had since passed. From what, the Oakclan leader had no knowledge of. He flicked his tail with a hint of uncertainty. He may have been deemed a worthy leader in the eyes of their ancestors but to him it was all still relatively new to him. To be responsible for so many cats, it was a bit unnerving at times but Oakstar had already accepted his responsibility. There was no going back now. Oakstar climbed down from his tree and took a seat at the bottom. Perhaps he would go hunting soon. -------- Harepaw bounded out of the apprentice den in the Boulderclan camp. He felt a hint of hunger rumble in his stomach. He had just awoken and had yet to go out for a hunt or other kind of patrol or training. Either way it didn't matter. That was the perk of living in a clan right? Free food? The tom settled on a plump finch that was there. He picked it up without hesitation and went off to settle in the sunlight that streamed into the camp.