[@ArenaSnow], those all seem reasonable, albeit I believe anything more than approximately six to seven players will prove unwieldy. Much of the game, already as we have witness previously, will be greatly invested in awaiting posts... unless of course you split the party, which is never a good thing unless you're accompanied by appropriate non-player characters who are played competently. That is just my observation and opinion, however. If and when the interest check, as well as its expectations are posed, if we could be mentioned in the post and or this topic, that would be excellent. I would rather not lose my chance to continue on this venture by not having a reserved place, something of which I believe should be an entitlement to the pre-existing players; unless they've denoted departure, they should have a spot by default, given they've logically been awaiting the revival of this topic. All in all, everything seems most reasonable, and the option of playing an evil character is quite tempting.