[@Eklispe] Nice! I've never been to CA. Didn't realize it snowed there at all! Makes sense, though. [@Iceprincessforlife] WOO!!! PENDING POST! I'm always a bit depressed when it doesn't snow by the 24th. It adds a sense of magic to Christmas for me. A glittering magic filled with wonder... as long as you don't have to shovel it yourself! XD Christmas Eve eve, it looked like we weren't going to have a white Christmas, but I woke up on Christmas Eve and found the world bathed in white. I had a party inside. Hope you both had a wonderful Christmas! [center][img]http://rack.1.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA3LzA1LzUzL0VsZi45ZGQ2OC5naWYKcAl0aHVtYgkxMjAweDk2MDA-/1d3e18ff/b06/Elf.gif[/img][/center]