Enna remained silent, her body slowly relaxing in increments, her ice fading to nothing as his words filled her ears. Her eyes fluttered open slowly and her lips parted on a long exhale that came out in a puff of air. Her gaze locked with Adrian's and she managed a small smile, Jason and James moving to curl around her. "Each of us has something we cling to, what she's filled my head with is still there. The fact that I just saw my supposedly dead grandmother isn't helping. We're together now so we each help the other the best that we can, we're...a pack." Enna's cheeks were dusted with pink as she shifted Jason away and slowly rose until she was at the edge of the bed. [i]Enna's the Alpha and for reference Adrian is her mate. Right?[/i] James' tone was teasing as he shifted forward and locked Enna's elbow, said girl choked and half-turned to glare at the panther. [i]Want me to help you shower?[/i] He asks suddenly, eyes watching as Enna makes her way to the bags and tugs one with her to the bathroom. She pauses just outside the door and turns to him, her eyes narrowed, her cheeks dusted pink. "No." She hisses before opening the door and locking it behind her, Jason huffs and lifts one paw to slam it onto James' muzzle, the younger twin hisses and turns his head to his brother. His tail flicking happily as the sound of water fills the air a few moments later. [i]Really?[/i] Jason snarls, paw still raised. [i]Kidding, geez[/i] James offers with a wince, Jason raises one side of his maw to show off his pointed fangs before dropping his head on his paws. [@SomeoneSomewere]