[hr][h1][i][color=Skyblue]Wendy Emily Lucker[/color], & [color=lightseagreen]Diana Jolene Lucker[/color].[/i][/h1][hr] The two Luckers were walking away from the scene, Diana with her arms behind her head, and Wendy holding that satchel tightly. Much of her stuff was in there. "Hehe!" Diana laughed, looking behind her shoulder. "These fuckwits here must [i]know[/i] that the kids are into some serious shit. Might like this island more than I thought." She laughed. Truthfully, Diana knew that, if they're throwing around rules like "no sex" or "no drugs" in these big formal ass speeches, then it's like a neon sign saying "We can't control our students". This will definitely be a good one. "Diana..." Wendy peered over towards her sister. Giving her a worried look behind those round glasses of hers. "Don't start trouble, you know what'll happen if NEST decides to just throw you in a cell." Wendy shook her head. She had a feeling that part of this "learning experience!" will be keeping Diana out of trouble. It's obvious that she's level-headed enough to make that decision for the two of them. "Hey now." Diana said, giving Wendy a half-smile. "I gotta get something out of this school. Might as well enjoy the like-minded individuals here." "You could, you know, get an [i]education.[/i]" Wendy said, rolling her eyes up into her head. Well, this school was certainly was going to be an experience. "Know what? Let's just get our room mates." They soon found themselves in the reception desk, and with one brief conversation with the receptionist, they got their room mate assignments. "Annie Duframe?" Diana asked herself, raising her eyebrow. "Oh this will be a doozy." She shook her head, rolling her eyes up into her head. She wished that these stupid little notes told her more about her roomie. Well, she bets that's half the [i]adventure[/i]. [i]Give me a break.[/i] Diana thought to herself. The first problem that she had was the fact that she was sharing a room, and didn't even get a [i]say[/i] in it. The last thing that Diana wants is some nosy-ass bitch who goes through her things - and [i]that'll[/i] be twice as bad if the broad decides to rat her to the teachers. Worse comes to worse, then she'll have to fuck up her roomie just to put her in line. "I got Serena Jones." Wendy said, almost like she had won something. "Don't be so bad, you haven't even met her." Wendy said, a tad bit more optimistic about meeting her new room mate. "[i]Ugh,[/i] don't say that." Diana let her arms drop to her sides and shook her head. "You won't even [i]meet[/i] 'er. You'll be reading your damn books all the time. You'll probably forget that she even [i]exists[/i]." Wendy narrowed her eyes. She raised her finger, and retorted, "Actually! I'm going to get to know my room mate, thank you very much." She said, almost offended. "Then why don't you stop standing here and show her?" Diana said, looking Wendy right in the eyes. "Alright, I will." Wendy said. The two went their separate ways, again. [hr][h1][i][color=Skyblue]Wendy Emily Lucker[/color].[/i][/h1][sub][@Shikaru][/sub][hr] "I'll show her." Wendy muttered underneath her breath as she pushed open the door. Ooooh. Nice little room she has here. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Well, it looks like her room mate got here before she did. That's when she froze for a moment. She wanted to get here before her so she can arrange the room. And try to come up with a way to break the ice (Heh). Now, the eyes are all on her, and it's up to her to handle this. "Um, hi." Wendy said, waving her hand at Serena. Who looked a lot rougher than expected. Honestly, Wendy was expecting (I.E hoping) for a room mate that's a girly girl. Now she has this. "You're Serena, right? I'm Wendy - oh, but the papers probably told you that." She said, awkwardly. Her eyes drifted over towards her bags. Specifically the [i]heavy[/i] couple bags of books that she brought with her. She needed a few moments as she thought of composing herself, and figuring out how to go about this. "I'm going to unpack my things real quick." She quickly walked over to her bags, and smiled when she saw that her collection of books was untouched. This place had a library, but she figured that she'd bring her own books with her. Just in case of a horrible fire (Or if Wendy gets into a fight there)! She bent over and heaved the bag over to the room's bookshelf. She started gently placing the books into the shelf in alphabetical order. The girl also loved neatness and order above all else, and this little order she set things up into will make things waaaay easier for her room mate - in case she too is a book lover like Wendy! The prospect made Wendy excited. It took the girl some time, but she finally arranged her bookshelf. She put her hands on her hips, before smiling widely. She looked down, and realized that she hasn't even put her clothes away. Diana was right, she does have a bit of a problem. Oh. Maybe she should get to that. While she was reaching into her bag of books, she realized that she was ignoring her room mate. "So, do you like books, too?" Wendy said. She knew that, with all the books she brought here, her love of books practically went without saying. [hr][h1][i][color=lightseagreen]Diana Jolene Lucker[/color].[/i][/h1][sub][@SirBeowulf][/sub][hr] Diana was the first person to reach her room. She took a look around, and figured that she'd capitalize on this as soon as possible. She quickly ran up and grabbed her bag, going through it until she pulled out a carton of cigarettes.... a couple of them. She had to quickly hide these. She didn't know if they did weekly searches - but she doubted [i]that[/i] if they'd let her come here without properly searching her bag. Then she thought about it, and just put the cartons of cigarettes back into the bag. She slid the entire luggage bag into the far back of the closet. It'd be safe long as the bitch didn't go through her stuff... the second she finds out, she's going to give the broad a good reason to mind her business. After that, Diana quickly went to unpacking her clothes, and putting them away. She's a con, so she didn't know whether or not someone would come by to check up on her. She had a few other things that she'd rather keep from sight, so she best look inconspicuous just in case someone comes by to check on it. It didn't take super long for Diana to get all of her clothes up on the rack. Now what? Her roomie isn't here yet, and Diana was getting bored. She honestly would rather seek someone out - the damn girl probably went off to the cafeteria herself. Fuck it, she's done waiting. Diana's brought her palm up to her face, and her entire hand turned into white paper. A folded piece of paper came out of her palm, and expanded just like it wasn't folded at all. It floated in the air, with sheer will. Diana put her other hand to it, and ink came out of her palm and spread it's way across the paper. Forming a message: [pre]Heading to the cafeteria. You can find me there, and then we'll talk. Also, the bed on the right's mine.[/pre] Diana left the note on the bed on the left. With that, Diana was out the door, and heading towards the cafeteria. [hr][h1][i][color=Darkorange]Jessica Sharon Rosefey Jr[/color], & [color=Cornflowerblue]Kiri "Kai" Anaru[/color].[/i][/h1][sub][@Maxx][@He Who Walks Behind][/sub][hr] "Whaaaaaaaaaaat?" Jessica said, wide eyed, feigning wide-eyed shock in response to the speech. Even holding a hand up to her mouth. She put both hands on her hips, and hung her head downwards, shaking it. "There goes my plans for a school-wide orgy." She started laughing. Like hell they're going to really stop anyone - unless they go extra creep mode. Though, Jessica's not giving this school enough credit. For all she knows, someone's power here is to detect when underaged sex is about to go down! How unlikely that would be.... Well, Jess was going to ignore all these rules. Literally all of them. Almost everything about the speech went over Kiri's head, before she was concentrating on suppressing her cold aura. She looked around for a moment, and wondered who in this school she was going to meet next. She was hoping they were nice as these two, and not that Spanish boy. Though, she was getting a tad hungry. Maybe she'll go head over the cafeteria and get herself a nice meal. The students got a move on, and so did the two. Jessica put her arms behind her head and had a confident smile on her face. Her stomach rumbled a bit, and she looked down. "Maaaaan, wanna get some food in me. I can smell it from over here." She almost could smell the cafeteria. After she gets her room set up, and meets her room mate, she's going straight to the cafeteria to eat her little heart out. Though, before she did that, little Casey had a question for her! “So,” she said, “I’ve seen what Kai’s power is, but I haven’t seen yours. What’s your ability?” Ahhh, super powers. Jess never really got the opportunity to tell anyone about her powers. Usually, she controlled her strength when out in public. Almost to the extent where she was practically non-powered! Though, when she gets into a fight, she uses a [i]little[/i] bit of her strength. Almost like tapping someone... that just so happened to knock them on their ass. Ah, Jess felt like she was getting a little off track. It was time for her to tell her power. "Well, heh, it's nothing fancy." Jessica shrugged, giving Casey a grin. She rolled up her sleeve a bit, and exposed her muscular arm - enhanced by that power. She flexed, and veins bulged. It practically went without saying what her power was. "Super strength. I like to say I'm the female Hercules." She started laughing. "I threw a car once. Which was cool... up until someone had to fix the car. Good thing that my Dad is a mechanic." She laughed some more. She had little idea of what Casey could do - and would rather be surprised in power training. It was probably something really badass. She also took her hat off, and pointed to the horns on her forehead. "Not as cool as my first power, but I got these weird little horns, [i]and[/i] an enhanced sense of smell." The three walked into the reception area, and shrugged. Honestly, she was looking forward to having a room mate. In fact, she wanted three! Just so she can get to know three different people. Not that she was particularly worried about privacy. She wasn't sneaky, she has nothing to hide... well, except for that incident that lead her into this school - but, hey, that's a whole 'nother discussion. Besides, Jess would be scoping out both the boys and the girls here. They both got their room mate assignments, with Jess being the most excited about her room mate. "Arianna Madrigal, nice name." Jess said, laughing a bit. "You two?" She asked. "[i]Rori Ahe[/i]..." Kai repeated the name off the paper, but she had a little bit of trouble with it. What an odd name... though, the girl could be like Kai, and be foreign. Hm... she figured that she should get to her room, and get everything unpacked. "Alright, I'm heading to my room." "Alright, see ya Kai, I'll be at the cafeteria." Jessica said as Kai stepped off. Now, Jessica wanted to meet this Arianna soon as possible. There was the off chance that Arianna could be in this room, or in their dorm. Only one way to find out, yeah. She waved her hand in the air, holding the papers in in it. "Hey, woohoo, Ariana Madrigal?!" She shouted, hoping to get her attention. [hr][h1][i][color=Cornflowerblue]Kiri "Kai" Anaru[/color].[/i][/h1][sub][@FernStone][/sub][hr] Those two girls were certainly nice. Even though Kiri didn't get a clear idea of them. Maybe that's because the gigantic girl was sleeping the whole time. Maybe they'll be next time... if Kai doesn't sleep through the next possible meeting. Maybe next time. For now, Kai was content with heading to her room, and meeting her room mate. Though, she had to preemptively think of ways to explain her ability, and the passive coldness she emits. Hopefully it won't bother her room mate too much. Kai barely found her room using the map that the school provided her. Though, she wasn't paying too much attention to it, and ended up walking around. Up until she came by her room number. By sheer chance. Instead of thinking too hard into it, she simply realized that there was just another place for her to put her head down. She put her key in, and opened it, quickly realizing that her room mate gotten here before she did. Oh well, Kai takes her time, and that's how she remained so happy in life. Never rushing to get to the next point or the other. Well, Kai was going to take the exact same approach when she interacts with her room mate. Kai slid her hands into her pockets and nodded her head. Facing her room mate down for a moment. "Hi." She said, calmly. "I'm [i]Kai[/i]." Of course, her room mate would know that her name was Kiri, but not Kai. Since that's a nickname she gives herself. The first thing that Kai noted was the immense height difference between the two. Kai herself had a solid foot and several inches over the girl. Though, she also noticed that the girl didn't look all that girly. [i]Huh?[/i] She thought to herself. Once again, however, Kai chose not to think too much into it. If Rori was set up in the girl's dorm, then that must mean she must be a girl. If she wasn't, that was fine with Kai, too. She didn't get worked up over small things like that. The [i]other[/i] thing that Kai noticed was that the girl had a touch of the beast... She wasn't versed in metahumans, but she knew of animal-metas. However, Kai didn't realize it yet, but she was dropping the air temperature, slowly overpowering the heater in every room. "I hope we can become friends." She said. "Though, I have to tell you that I... make things very cold. I can't really help it, but I should let you know. I can find somewhere else to sleep if it's a problem." Though, it wouldn't be a problem for Kai, since it's almost a talent that she can fall asleep in even the strangest places. One time she fell asleep on an active runway. Not even Kai knows how that happened. [hr][h1][i][color=Violet]Abigail "Pink" Vincigarru[/color].[/i][/h1][sub][@FernStone][/sub][hr] Eh, Pink wasn't looking forward to staying in Academy Circlejerk - but, she's going have to make the most of a shitty situation. At least until she figures out how to switch back to human form, and then she'll be happy being Pink the Mist, rather than Pink the Sharkbitch. Eurgh. The very concept of being stuck in this form, being eternally hungry for meat, disturbed her. Pink was leaving after reaching the reception room. Part of her wanted to get some food - but that's a nonissue given that her metabolism is going to be rather slow. The pains of being coldblooded in the middle of Alaska. Pink shook her head. Of all the fucking places to put a school, why the fuck did they choose Alaska?! Did they want to get close enough to fuck a polar bear? Only logic that Pink could gather. Anyways... her room mate was some fuckwit named Max Diaz. Eh. Sounded Spanish. Pink was going to do her best to make sure that both sides are nice and friendly, though. Because, even if she didn't like her (or the entire concept of sharing rooms in the place), she's still going to be sharing a room with her... so, she'd rather just make it easier on everyone if she just makes nice. Pink opened the door, and saw that her room mate was already there. Good... This Max looked like a Pink. At least this school was smart enough to realize that they'd get along better that way. Though, she could be one of those hipster tumblr tryhards. "Heeeeeeeeey! You're Max, right? Oh, can I call you Max?" Pink said as she stepped in, putting her guitar off to the side, and putting her full attention on Maxine. "Speaking of nicknames... I know that stupid paper listed my name as [i]Abigail,[/i] but call me [i]Pink[/i]." She pointed at her hair for a moment. [hr][h1][i][color=Mediumseagreen]Trish Kaitlin O'Malley[/color].[/i][/h1][sub][@Maxx][/sub][hr] School was just going to be [i]amazing[/i] this year. Trish could feel it. She stepped into the cafeteria, and took a good look at the students. Quite a few were pouring into the room, while Trish was holding a clipboard with relevant information. Names, power, etc. Quite a few were arrested. Well, that's why she's here! To make sure they don't get arrested again (Though, that'd make her really mad if they got arrested anyway - so much time and dedication, wasted!). Trish was walking along the outskirts of the cafeteria. She spotted one of the fellow staff members - Max Hermandez. From what she remembers, they were in a... similar boat, so to speak. Both were disgraced NEST Agents sent to this school. Though, the difference probably came when Trish became a teacher, and readily accepted her new role. Maybe she'd give him a chat. She stepped over to Max, smiling the whole way. He got himself a Tuna Sandwich... not the best food, but to each their own. "Hello Max," Trish said, as she sat across from him. "How are you? I bet you're real excited for the new school year." Trish snorted.