The movie did what it was supposed to do, which is to say that there was no point during the movie where I felt like checking the time to see when it was going to end. I was interested the entire way through. My thoughts while staying vague. Spoilers in Hiders. 1: This set of Sith seems more interesting than any the others we have seen, at least in the films. [hider]I like the Plageuis theory for Snooke, even if he sounds like he was named after somebody's Hamster. Also, I think the Kylo Ren character is a refreshing take on the Sith. After so many people who were just powerful narcissists, we suddenly get something from the opposite side of the spectrum. He ain't Sith because he's too awesome for everyone, he is Sith because he is a little bitch. He's not likable at all, and that is something that Star Wars hasn't really done with their movie villains (I mean, even Palpatine had cool laser hands and the best acting in all the prequels.)[/hider] 2: The war and government don't make sense. [hider]Who is in charge, the Republic or the First Order? Who is rebelling against who? Why is there a Republic and a Resistance at the same time? Then again, this is Star Wars, so they get a pass on this, since only the first trilogy's politics ever really made sense in any way.[/hider] 3: [hider]I do wish they had went a different direction on Starkiller Base. I mean, i'm fine with another Death Star, and I like where they went with the weapon itself, but did they have to do the exact same '[i]plucky rebel space fighters take out the big bad ship in the nick of time[/i]' story that they've already done in three of the other six movies? Surely there is another way to do it.[/hider] 4: [hider]In the next movie, is Luke going to train Rey by riding on her back as she hops around tiny ocean rocks?[/hider]