Amberleaf padded into the BoulderClan camp, pausing to draw in the scents of the air and look around before heading towards the leaders’ den. The muscular deputy cut an impressive figure as he strode through the clearing, and his auburn pelt was sleeker than he remembered it being recently, thanks to the opportunities to rest and hunt more prey with the Clan. He was pleased to see some cats of BoulderClan already up and ready to go, just a sign of more prosperous times to come, he was sure. His ears flattened slightly as he noticed Harepaw’s rather aggressive demeanor as he talked to Screefoot. No doubt the apprentice was acting out again. Something would have to be done about that, but he trusted Screefoot to get Harepaw in line as his mentor. Amberleaf resolved to have a chat with her regarding the situation later. He bounded up to his leader’s den, remaining outside. “Boulderstar? I was just patrolling the new borders,” he reported. He had ventured out by himself early in the morning to explore the territory and quickly look at the borders. So far, it would seem that they were being respected, but who knew if OakClan would soon become greedy? Amberleaf wasn’t personally interested in expanding their own territory, but he was definitely ready to defend the areas they had laid claim to. He waited patiently to be invited into the den or for Boulderstar to greet him outside. ~~~ In BoulderClan’s nursery, Sagekit began to stir as it grew light out. He was curled up with Willowkit’s tail resting over his body. It looked like his sister was still fast asleep. Sagekit let out a purr as he felt warm and comforted by the added presence of Ravenfeather and Owlkit. He barely remembered by now what sleeping with his mother had been like, but this felt like home. He opened his tiny mouth in a yawn and allowed his eyes to close as he drifted back into peaceful slumber. ~~~ Nightmist emerged from the warriors’ den of OakClan, carefully stepping past the round forms of other sleeping cats. It was still so strange for her to be among so many other cats, but maybe it was something they were all getting used to. The black she-cat stretched out her sore muscles, sharp teeth glinting as she yawned. She was not always up so early, but adjusting to Clan life—and even just socializing with so many cats all the time—was taking its toll on her, and she found herself feeling on edge and anxious often. She had slept little and lightly in the past few nights. However, she persevered because she saw some wisdom in the idea of Clan life, and it appealed to her despite her loner nature. She would just have to get used to social interaction, and she was already feeling more at home with each passing sunrise. At the very least, she wasn’t one to worry much about what other cats thought of her, so she lived up to no one’s expectations but her own. Nightmist’s first instinct was to head for the camp entrance to see if she could find some prey for herself and the Clan, but she stopped herself after taking a step. Ripplepaw. The young apprentice was looking to her of all cats for guidance, and Nightmist took her duties as mentor very seriously. Besides, she had to remember to start taking cats out with her when she went hunting or patrolling. With the establishment of borders and territories, more organized groups would be needed to manage it all. Nightmist settled down to groom herself, content to watch and wait until Ripplepaw made an appearance in the camp. It seemed like Hawkclaw and Sootpaw were also getting ready to head out. It occurred to her that the mentors could collaborate to train apprentices together, but that could wait for another time, when they all had more experience as Clan cats. She noticed Oakstar and Burrpelt conversing by the leader’s den, and cast an appreciative glance at the freshkill pile that must have been stocked so heavily by the deputy this morning. He was certainly proving himself capable in his rank already.