[@Delta44] (You know how Claw is, doesn't do names... I'm guessing the twins might act as the comic relief while the orc is just a dude who uses brute force [you could try to work in that he's much wiser than regular orcs, considering that, when the fighting broke out, one of the humans in Connor's original party tried to kill him and the orc stayed loyal... Or something] and the elf chick is a mage/healer. Give 'em any names you want. Also, was the word 'stable' in your reply to BytheSpleen's post a pun? It seems like a pun) Connor grins at the orc. "Sorry pal, got a little... Carried away with myself, I suppose. If something like this can deal this much damage, I can only wonder how awesome the power of Darkstalker is..." His grin turns into a wicked smile, before Connor stops smiling altogether. "Come along now." With that, he walks out and holsters his sword, whistling a happy tune.