[@Simple Unicycle], [@EvilEdd1984], [@Trevor1001], [@Lord Coake], [@Vulkan], [@Hjalti], [@Chronothesis], [@Combo move]... To those of you who've accepted Co-GM Positions, I'm going to have to ask you to assume more of a role; as the holidays end, my workload is going to pile up, with one RP starting up, and two more RPs - one on another site - adding to my list of games. Therefore, I am going to delegate more powers to my Co-GMs. Instructions are: - Make sure that Catherine, David, and Vor begin interacting with both the now free slaves of Old Man's Corner, and each other. Thoughts might also occur in their subconscious about what to do with the land itself, now that the fate of the slaves is about to be settled. Would they dismantle the settlement, or hold it? Or perhaps they can give it to the slaves as their own land? - Rescue Jenni and Jensen from Vault 17, and either NPC them, give Jenni over to Hjalti (Simple Unicycle links her to the relevant posts), or let them fade into the background. - Let Gabe and Dogmeat fade into the background as well once the rescue mission is over. - Give all players time to prepare for the final assault on the Enclave forces arrayed at Vault 81. Thoughts might occur in their subconscious; would they be worried, or bloodthirsty, or optimistic? As for Quinn, get him working on the Construction Droid as soon as possible. I myself will make a small post to move things along.