[hider=Dr. Light] Hero Archetype: Cannon Name: Dr. Arthur Light Alias: Dr. Light Age: 47 Team: Justice League. Honest. Powers: Super Intellect, Light Manipulation (beams, force fields, flight, invisibility, blinding flash, etc.) Weaknesses: Women. He's a massive womanizer and has been arrested for stalking a woman before. Also, there's been other allegations against him, but he's never been convicted of anything worse, unless you count robbery. Personality: Self absorbed. Appearance: [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111118828/4324434-doctor+light.png[/img] That was before he grew a mustache so he would have a gotee. Brief Bio: Wanting to get into the Superhuman game, mostly for the groupies, he built a suit that allowed him to control light, giving him the ability to cloak himself and shoot lasers. When Atomic Skull started luring the women away from him, though, they got into a bit of a contest over them. Eventually he built the most powerful suit he could and challenged him to a battle, to prove that he was stronger. The suit overloaded during the battle, killing several bystanders, including groupies, though he and Skull survived, though he was knocked out. When woke up he found that he had the powers of his suit without having to wear it, and even a few more, like the ability to fly. He made himself a suit out of the strongest material he could get and went after Skull, who had been spreading rumors about him while he was in the hospital. After beating Skull to a pulp and making him ask for mercy, permanently securing his spot as top dog, he became a serious villain, pulling off heists and hiring himself out to other villains when they could pay him. He was eventually arrested by Superman during one of Luthor's plots, and sent to Bel Rev. When he got out of prison on good behavior, he had to choose whether to become a hero, become a civilian, or break his parole and go back to prison. He chose to be a hero, and asked the Justice League if they could use his help. They didn't really trust him, but when the Brainiac crisis happened a few weeks later Batman gave him a call. Notes: He wants to get the team to steal back the Lantern rings and lanterns for him, so that he can use the will of the area to power up. [/hider]