Amberleaf’s pelt warmed and he took the praise with a gracious nod. “Thank you. All I want is to help BoulderClan succeed, and I am sure it will under your skilled leadership,” he mewed. The deputy fell into step behind the pretty calico she-cat as she walked towards the fresh-kill pile. Amberleaf eyed it and the cats in the camp, trying to judge whether hunting or border patrols could be sent out. He knew it would take some time for things such as patrols to be so organized every day, since most cats’ instinct would be to make their own schedule and go out as they see fit. But their first responsibility was to their Clan now, and everyone—Amberleaf included—would have to learn to live a different way. “There is nothing to report on the border with OakClan. The scents have been laid and unchanged, and I saw no cat. I don’t think OakClan will try to contest territories yet, but we must always be on the lookout,” he reported to Boulderstar. Then, voicing his thoughts, he asked, “Should I send out some hunting patrols this morning? I was thinking of sending a small group to the western edge of our territory to check on the scent markers there. We may have more to worry about from aggressive rogues than OakClan cats. But if we see strange cats, we should try to recruit them first if possible,” he added. [@KahleenCuthald]