Name: Offically Super Saibaman Prototype 001 though he prefers Zero Race: Saibaman Appearance: [img][/img] MAGS: 215 Moves: [list] [*] Flight [*] Ki blasts [*] Saiba Rush: A High Speed combo of ki-enhanced claw slashes, punches, and kicks. [*] Energy Shield: A shield that protects Zero from attacks as long as their strength is equal to what a person could handle 145 MAGS at most can use. [*] Meteor Shower: Zero creates a ball of ki roughly the size of an beach ball that he throws in the air, at it highest point it stops moving and scatters into golf ball sized projectiles that rain down in a large area. [*] Chase Shot: This is the weakest attack Zero has, but what it lacks in strength it more makes up in accuracy. The attack is a simple energy beam fired from either his right or left hand index finger that will keep following the opponent until it hits something [/list] Special Traits: Acid: Like all Saibamen he can shoot acid from a gland in his head. Personality: Zero is completely loyal to the Saiyan Empire as a whole even he doesn't agree with their goal to conquer planets and hates that normal Saibaman are nothing more than cannon fodder. That loyalty though doesn't necessary extend to members of the SE and if he feels that someone is nothing but a hindrance to the Empire, or that the death of someone who has pissed him won't affect the cause; he is happy to kill them. Biography: Zero was supposed to be the first of a new more powerful generation of Saibamen created by the best genetic engineers under King Cold's control. Though the certainly succeeded at the more powerful part and had even managed to make him smarter and able to talk, he was still considered a failure as he lacked the intended innate loyalty to his creators. Because of this he became a guinea pig rather than the elite soldier he was intended to be. After several month of constant experimentation in order to find out what went wrong the Sayian Empire attacked the research facility and killed the scientist in order to gain their data. As the original creators of the Saibamen and a race that respects strength they eventually offered Zero a chance to join them as a soldier. Equipment: Scouter