Before melting into the shadows, Roze was sure to flash a quick grin at Farid - however, any conversations would have to wait until after the siege was finished. Although any and all magical enhancements to her armor were useless in battle - staying very much in line with Guild requirements, they were to enhance Thievery, not battle - the dark colour of the leather and her own skill with sneak allowed her to stay very much undetected. Not invisible, certainly - but she made more than a few of her comrades in arms jump as she suddenly appeared, slicing throats of the Forsworn dogs, and then retreating back into the shadows. Thanks to this manner of fighting, she was able to avoid too much detection and harm. However, as happens in battle, when one Forsworn berserker focused her attacks on Roze, she didn't exactly have the skillset to deal with the opponent with just her blade. As her opponent closed in on her, screaming like a damn Hagraven, Roze back-pedalled, only just raising her blade to block the brutal attack from the two war-axes the woman wielded - and wicked looking things they were. Forsworn weapons always looked brutal; made from wood, stone, and jagged metals, they looked more like torture instruments than weapons for battle. In the second attack, the woman easily disarmed Roze - one axe smashing into her steel shortsword and easily sending it flying, the other catching Roze's right arm and adding another wound. Falling to the ground, Roze raised both arms instinctively - ignoring the screaming pain from both wounds on her right, and her hands pointing directly at the Forsworn's face. "Burn in Oblivion, mountain whore!" Roze yelled, and then let loose with her spell - Magelight. Now, Alteration spells can't really be used much in combat - certainly not the lower level ones anyway. But, here she lay, injured and without any truly destructive spells, when she swiftly remembered that light, when too much of it is shown, can be quite damaging in it's own way. As Magelight is both made to shoot up with some speed, and to stick where it lands, it proved to be rather painful for the Forsworn woman's eyes. As it landed right between them. As she screamed bloody murder and began waving her axes around erratically, Roze rolled to the side, unsheathing her steel dagger, and slicing across the Forsworn's left ankle. The fur boots she wore did nothing to stop the blade slicing open her hamstring, and she fell to the floor in agony - allowing Roze to plunge the dagger into her throat, and retrieve her own blade. Thankfully it was still intact - but the cut on her arm was rather deep, and hurt like a bitch. [i]"On the plus side, it's not as bad as [b]her[/b] wound."[/i] Roze thought to herself, glancing at the Forsworn who lay twitching on the ground - eyes rolling back into her head as she choked on her own blood. A nasty way to go. But then again, these were some nasty individuals. Pausing for a moment, Roze looked over as she heard a call go out - Sevine and Jorwen then hurrying to one of the buildings. Roze followed swiftly, trying to avoid any further attacks. Coming to a stop outside the entrance where Sevine - and a rather haughty looking Altmer - stood, she offered up a smile to her friend. There was a shaft remaining from an arrow sticking from Sevine's shoulder, but the woman seemed unperturbed. [i]Guess it pays to have nice battle armour.[/i] Roze thought to herself before glancing in the building, her face falling in the process. "By the Nine! Why in fucking Oblivion would there be pups here?" She said aloud, shaking her head as she looked at the children. The oldest couldn't have been any older than five or six. It hadn't even occurred to Roze that there would be children in this place - she had always assumed any children would have been born and raised in the out of reach places, like the deep caves and nigh-impossible to reach mountain peaks. Upon seeing Jorwen sat inside - and looking like he wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon - it seemed Roze found a place that she could be helpful, rather than taking down a few Forsworn from the shadows. "Would you like me to stay as well?" She asked, directing the question both at Jorwen and Sevine - the Orcish soldier before her, who was undoubtedly in charge, likely didn't even know who she was... and if Sevine valued her aid more than babysitting some Forsworn brats, she would go with her.