[@PrettyWalrus] Sootpaw gave a small nod. "Alrighty! I'll be quick!" she said before bounding off to the fresh killpile. She eyed it carefully before grabbing a small mouse as her breakfast. True to her words, she ate rather fast. Sootpaw was a quick eater by nature. There was always something to do and things to explore that she didn't like to waste too much time on such a trivial task as eating. However, she was still grateful for how good it taste. With a final bite, Sootpaw licked her chops clean and got up from the spot she had devoured the mouse. Spotting her mentor at the camp entrance, she hurried over with her ears perked and tail held high. "I'm ready now! Let's go!" she purred. ------- [@NightmareInd] Petalwhisker flickered her eyes open as the sunlight just barely began to seep into the den. The queen let out a soft sigh and raised her head to look at the sleeping kit next to her. Today was the day he would leave and become an apprentice. A hushed sigh escaped her and she wrapped her tail around him in a protective manner. Truth be told, she was still wary about some aspects of clan life. Shadowkit was the only survivor of his litter and the only family she had. Petalwhisker wanted only what was best for him and clan life had offered them refuge from the harsh season. It would be a new day for both of them. Either way, she would always look out for him, even if it was from a distance now. Petalwhisker's gaze wandered over to the other two sleeping kits, Stormkit and Venuskit. Perhaps today wouldn't be her last day as a queen. She knew the two had lost their mother, so maybe she should remain with them until they reached the age for apprenticeship as well. ------- [@CLIW][@CondorTheMole][@Iatos] Oakstar nodded at his deputy then turned his head to look over at Sharpthorn as he approached. "Hello Sharpthorn. I'd be glad to have you come along with us. You work hard Sharpthorn and I'm grateful for your efforts but don't wear yourself out. Grab a bite to eat or relax for a moment. In fact, I think you both should." Oakstar added glancing over at his deputy. "The border can wait a little while." If something were to occur at the border with Boulderclan, he wanted his warriors to be as prepared as they could be and part of that meant making sure they were not exhausted by their previous work. Oakstar turned his attention back to Sharpthorn. "As for Eelpaw, we will hold his warrior ceremony today then. I'm sure he will make a fine addition to the warriors of this clan." he meowed with a purr. "This clan has much to look forward to today it seems. New warriors and apprentices." The leader spoke with pride for the cats that followed him. He cared for each of them. It was his duty. They had put their trust in him after all and it was his job to make sure it didn't go to waste. "Good morning Berrydream." He greeted with a hint of amusement at the she-cat's greeting. "Thank you for the offer. I'm afraid I have to pass for now. I'll eat later, after I actually do something." he said with a soft chuckle in his voice. It seemed he was the only one who had yet to go out and make himself useful. He felt a tad guilty in that aspect. ------ [@CLIW] Harepaw gave Screefoot a challenging look before biting into his meal and taking another bite. His tail was still lashing and he continued to watch her out of the corner of his eye. When she spoke again he stopped eating and looked over at her with a glare in his eyes. "Pft. I'm only an apprentice because of my age. Such a stupid rule." He hissed. Harepaw pushed his food aside and slowly got up. "Fine. I'll go hunting. Don't get in my way though." He growled at her. Then, without waiting for an answer, he stalked past her and headed straight for the camp's entrance to leave.