[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmFiMGNjNi5Sbkp2YzNSM2FHbHphMlZ5LjA,/mrs-sheppards.regular.png[/img] The white female lay curled in her nest in the Medicine Cat's den, alone as she always was on the nights that she went to bed long after her mate had. She'd been out pacing in the forest, collecting herbs in her restlessness, and thus woke up late that morning. Her long fur stuck out in places, though she knew that Oakstar would never mind assisting in her grooming this early in the morning. She stirred slightly, hearing the voice of one of her two daughters called her from the entrance into the old fox tunnels. If it wasn't for the warrior calling to her she wouldn't have woken until sun-high, and she knew that would be too late, even for just a Medicine Cat. [color=#4E387E]"I'm coming."[/color] She called out, standing and stretching before padding out into the early sunlight. She hadn't slept enough, and doubted she would, though she may sleep next to Oakstar tonight if gien the chance. Giving her daughter a flick on the head with her tail she instructed her to go make sure the elders and queens were comfortable, if not to get one of the apprentices to attend to them while she went out on patrol. The Medicine Cat walked away as her blue eyed daughter turned, walking over to the tabby male she had long been fond of.[color=#4E387E] "Good morning everyone. I trust you all slept well last night?"[/color] Frostwhisker refused the yawn she felt in her chest, stiffling it as she walked around to sit next to Oakstar, her side pressed against his. She hadn't told him she was expecting yet, though she hoped to tell him soon, the next time the two were alone together perhaps. [color=#4E387E]"After the ceremony, may I borrow you or two of the Warriors to help collect herbs? I found a new patch of Borage close to the border and don't want to run into trouble."[/color] As they had several Queens in camp she believed it best to keep up their stores of Borage and Catmint for the possibilities. [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjMyLjBmNjFkNy5SbVZoZEdobGNuZG9hWE5yWlhJLC4w/funkrocker.regular.png[/img] The young warrior had woken early that morning, having joined in on the early hunting to catch the animals that still wandered as the sun began rising. She'd managed to drag back an owl, with a little help from one of the other warriors, and brought it to the fresh kill pile before realizing her own mother was still sleeping. She nodded her head to Oakstar as she padded passed, toward the Medicine Den where she called to Frostwhisker. The she-cat had been up late, she could tell from the look in her eyes and the way she walked. She had grown used to seeing such a sight when she was young and the female had done most of the hunting for them. Oakstar had tended to keep the area safe, or watch them when she needed space, but he'd often been up late watching for foxes and she hunted during the day. With her mother safely up and headed toward her father she padded off to find an apprentice or two. [color=#1589FF]"Hey! Get your lazy rears up already!"[/color] The warrior didn't have her own apprentice, but she knew that being easy on them wouldn't help them into growing into good warriors. Leaving them to get up she wandered over to the Nursery, where she saw Petalwhisker already awake with the its. [color=#1589FF]"Morning guys. Anything I can do for you?" [/color]It was her mothers request after all, that she make certain that the others were alright. The Medicine Cat had no apprentice, and the only help she got was from herself and Lilypelt, since the boys were busy taking care of everyone else. Not to mention Firelight would just make things worse and Oakstar had an entire clan to look after. It was crazy really, that her parents had been chosen by Starclan to found Oakclan. [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjMyLmI4YzBjYy5VbWwyWlhKemIyNW4uMg,,/indelible.regular.png[/img] The maine coon stretched in the nearly empty nursery, since it was just her and Ravenfeather with the three kits though they could be apprentices soon. After her lazy stretch the beautiful she-cat stepped out into the early morning light and sat on a soft patch of grass. The mountain clan's territory never had much in the way of grass, though they had found a nice spot for their camp, with plenty of natural caves and tunnels in the rock and soft grass in the middle. Lifting a paw she began to groom herself, removing the dust from the night before she went to find something to eat. The Queen wasn't yet pregnant enough to have stopped preforming her warrior duties all together, but had was far enough along that she had recently moved into the Nursery with the others to grow used to the space and others before it was time for her kitting. Silver fur caught what light peeked over the edge of the mountain, shining where she'd cleaned it, and the black interspaced gave her a dazzling look nearly as beautiful as the stars themselves. Starclan was with her, she knew, and wanted her kits to live a good life; hence her willingness to join in on clan life and provide for herself and others while keeping everyone safe, for the lively hood of her kits. To be honest, the she-cat was enjoying it, and found herself much more comfortable with the life of a Queen, raising the kits, instead of out on the battlefield, unsure if she would be going home that night. Perhaps she may stay here and assist future Queens and the Medicine Cat with the running of the Nursery.