[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Elena Reese[/color][/h1][/center] Elena raised an eyebrow as Derrick moved the newspaper over the edge of the table and opened it up so that it was blocking the rest of the view to the restaurant. When her mentioned what he saw startled her, Elena didn't realize she had been watched when she started up her old rusted car and instantly knew that he was talking about her and the use of her ability. Then she caught a small light glowing in the corner of her eye and looked down at the table, and jumped slightly when she noticed seven glowing little dwarves. Elena's eye met Derrick's for a second and watched with interest as the little dwarves moved up the cup of coffee, and instantly knew that he was an Evo like she was. She had never came into contact with anyone of her kind before, since most evos like herself tried to keep things secret, and she was relieved when Derrick said he wouldn't rat her out for being who she was. "That is a rather interesting ability." Elena said as she lifted up her hand, to show Derrick what her ability was up close as small bolts of electricity flowed from finger tip to finger tip. "I'm Elena it nice to meet you." She said she didn't want to extent her hand out towards in knowing he would get a harmless little shock from her. "I kind of freaked out my homophobic parents when I came out to them, and lets just say everything electronic went haywire and event blew out some lights and what not. I pretty much moved out right away since that night." Elena admitted.