Following Boulderstar’s lead, Amberleaf grabbed a small squirrel to sate his appetite and regain his strength for their next patrol. He was determined to take only as much prey as necessary, and only after he had done something useful for the Clan that day. He would need to keep up his strength in order to serve, but he preferred that the majority of prey go to cats who needed it. After all, if they didn’t share with those who could not hunt for themselves—queens, kits, and elders—then they were no better than the rogues and loners they used to be. As he padded after Boulderstar, he saw Granitepaw across the camp. The orange tom hadn’t had much time to speak to his brother since he assumed deputy responsibilities, and now they were no longer even sharing a nest. It was strange, but Amberleaf had no doubts that Granitepaw would earn his warrior name soon and join them in the den. Talking to him would have to wait until another time; the deputy did not want to be disrespectful by leaving Boulderstar’s company. Besides, they all had things to do. Crouching next to the calico with his meal, he flicked his ears to acknowledge her plans as they ate and talked. He looked up when Boulderstar mentioned sending out mentors with their apprentices to hunt. “I agree, our apprentices are coming along well with their training with the guidance of their mentors. Of course, some young cats don’t seem to like the new system,” he added, pointing with his tail in the direction of Harepaw and Screefoot. He was starting to go on a slight tangent, but his earlier observation of the difficult apprentice had him thinking. “I’m sure some of them have seen and survived far worse than us.” Pausing on that sorrowful note, he then continued, “Maybe they feel as if they are worthy of being warriors already, because of what they have endured. That may be, but I’m confident that this method of raising apprentices will work itself out once we have more Clanborn kits.” New kits, of course, were strongly needed to bolster the ranks of their Clan. Amberleaf finished his prey with a few more quick bites while Boulderstar continued. The tom nodded. “We won’t grow lax—border patrols and a hunting schedule. That will shape up the Clan soon enough. But of course,” he added smoothly at her teasing request. “We can round up some cats for a hunting patrol and then investigate the western borders together.” [hr] Nightmist returned Sharpthorn’s greeting with a slight nod. Eventually, the black she-cat sat up, satisfied with her grooming for the moment, and looked across the clearing to where Sharpthorn and Berrydream had joined the leader and deputy in conversation. Soon after, Frostwhisker emerged from her medicine cat den to join her mate and the others. If they were discussing patrols, Nightmist was ready to assist as always, but she hesitated to approach such a large group of cats and interrupt them. Better to wait, she thought, appearing alert and ready to go. [hr] Willowkit stirred in the gloom of the BoulderClan nursery. Sagekit was fast asleep beside her, and beyond him she could make out the forms of Ravenfeather and Owlkit. The tabby kit quickly realized that there was no sign of Riversong, but her scent was not so faded; she must have just left, and maybe that had roused Willowkit. Proud to have made such a deduction, Willowkit gently extricated herself from Sagekit, who rolled over in his sleep to nuzzle against the others, and quietly padded outside into the clearing. It was slightly intimidating, seeing all the grown cats talking and coming and going. It was almost too much, but Willowkit understood that these cats were here to keep her safe, and when she grew up to be a warrior, she would be able to do the same. Ignoring the rest of the cats in the clearing, who were almost complete strangers to her, Willowkit sought out one cat whom she had spent more time with—Riversong. “Riversong?” The brown tabby hesitantly called out the queen’s name as she approached, hoping it was okay to sit down next to her. The silver queen was another calming presence in addition to Ravenfeather, Willowkit found. It was almost enough for her young kit mind to forget the trauma of witnessing her birth mother’s death. “Good morning,” she ventured. “Did you sleep well?” [@KahleenCuthald][@ViolentViolet]