[@PrettyWalrus] Sootpaw looked up at Hawkclaw listening carefully to his words. The young cat was eager to learn. She had been too small to hunt for herself during the harsh winter and ended up relying on the older cats, such as Ravennose of Boulderclan who had once traveled with her before the clans were built. But now it was her turn to provide for others and that much excited her greatly. "Ah... Alright.." she said flicking her ear before lifting her muzzle up and scenting the air. She closed her eyes trying to focus. "I smell the trees.... I smell the camp. And... those poppies and rabbits....There's also a faint scent of some finches not far from here... Oh, I think I just make out the scent of the water too." She told him with a smile. "That's about it though.." [hr] [@ViolentViolet] Oakstar's gaze flickered over to his mate as he noticed her exiting her den. He gave a soft purr as she came to sit next to him. He gave her head a small, affectionate lick. "Yes. And I see you were out late again." he sighed, having always been disapproving of her late night work. Especially when she didn't get the rest she needed. "Of course.. Perhaps we could even gather some when we go out. We were planning a patrol along the border right now." he offered, glancing over at his mate. It would be a rather safe trip for Frostwhisker if she chose to accompany them. Sharpthorn and Burrpelt were both more than reliable warriors, of course in their own ways. Any other warrior who wished to join would also add their own strengths to the patrol. Strength is what the patrol truly stood for after all. It was meant to show that Oakclan would be thriving in their territory and that, not only Boulderclan but any enemy would have a powerful force to deal with. [hr] Petalwhisker lifted her sleepy gaze to look over at Featherwhisker. She motioned with her tail for the warrior to keep her voice down. "They're still sleeping." She meowed softly as she nodded to the sleeping kits. The grey she cat stretched her paws out and shook her head. "I think we're alright though. Thanks for asking.." Petalwhisker said. Her voice was polite but her eyes were cautious. She was well aware that this was the daughter of the clan leader and medicine cat. Both of whom she was undecided upon. To be fair, she was unsure of everyone except for the innocent kits that she shared the den with. Clan life was something that she would eventually have to adjust to. That or she'd have to leave but that would be hard considering Shadowkit. In a way, this clan had saved his life and he probably held much more loyalty towards it than Petalwhisker ever had. She let out a conflicted sigh. "So, what all does an apprentice do for a clan? Ah, I don't mean to bug you. If you have other duties, you can go ahead and go." she added softly.