Bouldercat finished her meal and cleaned her mouth with a few sharp licks and a stroke over it with her paw. "I want to see if our clan apprentices [color=a2d39c]Harepaw, Pearpaw and Granitepaw[/color] have been doing something already this morning. I'd like to send them out with their mentors to hunt this morning." Boulderstar got up from her seated position and watched as the cats of her clan began to wake up and come and go. "Then I would like to send out [color=a2d39c]Vinetail and Aspenclaw[/color] to check the river side of our territory. I believe the old warrior would like some duties and I don't think there'll be up much. And young, energetic Vinetail will be a good add. Sometimes putting the young together with the old teaches them some lessons." She licked over her paw once and flicked with her tail. "You and I will check the western borders together. Though, first I wanna have a quick check on the medicine cat and her apprentice as well as the queens and their kitten." Feeling further explanation is needed, she added. "I like to have an all around look at times. Make sure they're fine and give them the opportunity to speak out issues and wishes to me. After all the clan is still fresh and I wanna make sure everyone feels included and comfortable in this new situation. Losing members would not do us well at this time." She looked around the camp and smiled satisfied as she saw the cats doing their thing, either getting ready for the day, eating a meal or chatting with others. Her eyes then fell on a young cat, who was walking straight to the entrance to exit the camp. "[color=a2d39c]Harepaw[/color]", Boulderclan called out gently, yet with a slight force in her tone to leave no arguing whatsoever. "Would you come over here please for a second? This is if you don't have something way more important to do right now." She kept her voice nice and polite. The apprentice had been giving his mentor a paw full of trouble. He seemed to feel underrated and maybe even unappreciated. Boulderstar made a note in her mind to keep an eye on his training and behaviour.