[center][h1][u][color=88203b]FAQ[/color][/u][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] I'll keep a list of questions and answers. It says FAQ, but even if they aren't frequent, I'ma put 'em here. Q: Is this going to be on realistic gods/religion or mythological gods like Greek mythology etc.? A: Both, but more so based in myth than actual religion. Tread with caution with gods/deities/religious figures in heavily worshiped faiths, please. Respect for the culture and the religion should be your top concern here. (But if it's Zoos or Athena or some shit, then... lol disrespect away!) [hr][hr] [center][h1][u][color=88203b]Useful Information[/color][/u][/h1][/center] This is not useful. When I am more awake, i.e. tomorrow, I'll put in some nice info on headers, a faceclaim depository, hex code stuff for sooper pretty colors, and possibly an entire list of gods for each pantheon, including possibly a list of obscure gods and goddesses!