[center][h3][color=#6DB224]Gabriel Aeckard[/color][/h3] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/uJc1t1Ym.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Roaming Campus Grounds [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] A snarky Wood Nymph[/center] [hr][hr] Gabe had to admit, adjusting to the college lifestyle was proving to be a bit of a pain. The process of getting back into the habit of taking classes, doing homework, eating in a cafeteria. Made him feel like he was back in high school. And the only things he looked forward to at the end of those days, was being able to go home. He would look forward to that [i]these[/i] days, only to realize that he’d just end up seeing the kids from his classes in the town and in his apartment building. So it was like he never left school. Just the thought of that made him groan. Well, he was a little thankful of his predicament. His one bedroom studio setup meant he wouldn’t be assigned a roommate. And with him being here in Utah, he could ensure the safety of his family. When it came to that, he felt it much easier to shoulder the burden. But, part of him wished he hadn’t left New York so hastily. Or rather, wished he had accumulated some funds before leaving. Living under the tutelage of wood nymphs, he didn’t have too much of a need for money. And even then he really only made enough to afford a one way bus ticket. But here, part of him felt he was missing out on something by being perpetually broke. It must’ve been the new environment he was taking in, all the kids and their carefree purchases. He couldn’t say for sure. Most of this was being pondered on, as he lounged about the sill of one of his apartment’s wide windows. A potted sapling resided in his lap, doing much to soak in the morning sun. He would pass his fingers over her, and she would curl and sway to his movements. It was always calming to the boy, something to do as he absentmindedly mulled over the happenings of the academy. The earthquake that took place last evening was indeed weird. And there were rumors of foul play being carried on the whispers of wind-blown canopies, something involving the headmistress or something like that. Interesting events, but nothing serious enough for Gabe to show any real care for. Seemed these past few weeks were full of that: Events that the Demeter-born son just couldn’t find the capacity to care about. But, there [i]were[/i] some elements of this new environment that usually managed to get a rise out of him. [i]tink. tink.[/i] Like the individual currently tossing pebbles up to Gabe’s window, snapping him out of his thoughts. Practically pressed up against the glass, it didn’t take too much to look down to ground level, to see who it was. He moved from his perch with the slightest twinge of excitement, grabbing for his backpack and placing his beloved sapling within as carefully as he could. He was sure to the leave the pack open just enough for the sapling to receive slivers of sunlight and oxygen. The girl waiting downstairs was just the motivation he needed to exit his quiet apartment. As he descended down to the lobby, and out the complex, the pebble-tossing female was quick to greet Gabriel. “You look like a less hairy, less funny, more uncomfortable Eric Andre.” She greeted with a smirk. It wasn't too evident on his face, but he found the comment comforting. He was chuckling internally, if anything. Her name was [i]Fraxinus Anomala[/i], a spunky, petite wood nymph that made it a personal duty to make Gabe a proper, functioning member of society. The two shared similar fashion habits, though her elements seemed...happier? She wore brighter colors, a denim jacket over a bright yellow sundress, with boots to match. Replace the dress with a t-shirt and hole-filled jeans, and you'd have Gabriel’s current attire. Under the shroud of the academy's barrier, the peculiar green hues of Anomala’s skin and hair took on more typical human shades. Her skin became fair and tan, and her hair auburn and all over the place. Her shimmering verdant eyes usually remained unchanged. [color=#6DB224]“Mornin’, Mala.”[/color] He plainly replied, tussling and picking minute branches and leafy particles from the girl’s hair. Despite her adorably short stature and general disposition, the girl had a good decade or two over the boy. Even then, she was still considered young by tree standards. “Alright, [i]dad[/i].” She sharply shooed him. “Geez, hasn't anyone ever told you [i]not[/i] to mess with a girl’s hair?” She replied. [color=#6DB224]“Nope.”[/color] Gabe replied with the smallest smirk humanly possible, already beginning off towards the campus. “Heh, I'm usually rescuing you from class around this time of the day. What's so special about today?” Mala asked, quickly catching up to him. [color=#6DB224]“Changed my schedule. Dropped some classes.”[/color] He stated, the adjustment of the semester freeing up a day for him. The comment made the dryad pause. “Sooooo...why’re we going towards the school?” She queried, and with good reason. Gabe was usually one to avoid the academy campus as much as possible, doubly so on off days. But, it was a simple question, answered by the simple reaction of a growing stomach. [color=#6DB224]“I'm hungry.”[/color] Gabriel mentioned. He would cook, if he had the cash to afford ingredients. I mean, he could grow his own fruits and vegetables in no time flat, but meat didn't exactly grow on trees. “Eugh, [i]human[/i] food.” Mala turned up her nose at the notion.