[Center] [h3][color=purple] Samael Krios [/color] [/h3] and [img] http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Amelia%20Scarlet%20Johnston&name=Garton.ttf&size=100&style_color=05C7F7[/img] [img] http://45.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8bihbs78P1rsvvvfo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5lde49ekD1rqixu4.gif [/img] Location: Jay's Cabin ~ Upstairs Interacting with: Each Other. Clarissa Price[/Center] [hr][hr] Sammy was expecting a more shocked response from the girls - however, he also expected Clarissa to [i]not[/i] be drinking vodka, so there was that too. Before he could get some half-assed explanation out, Clarissa started spouting drunk babble - except there was some truth in there. Ouch. Poor Jay... sort of. While Amelia defused the situation, Sammy walked over to his bag and pulled out two glasses - hopefully he wouldn't be accidentally crushing these ones - and the nearly-full bottle of rum. He wasn't entirely sure if Amelia preferred bourbon or not, but damn, this was a fine ass rum. As the two walked up the stairs - leaving a more than tipsy Clarissa with a stony-faced Jay - Sam darted a quick grin at Amelia. [color=purple]"Before you say anything - no, he didn't hit me."[/color] Sam said as they walked down the corridor - both ignoring the hammering coming from the bathroom. Hm. It seemed Skye was no longer paralyzed in fear. Also, Sammy wasn't really lying with what he had just said - Jay didn't hit him. He pushed him a little, yeah, but didn't hit. There'd probably be more blood if that were the case. [color=purple]"And you don't need to fuss over me either - I've come home from people's bedrooms in worse states than this."[/color] He added with an evil grin - hoping to tease her a little. Whilst Sam grabbed his bag: Amelia quickly looked through her bag and she found a medical kit. Taking it with her, she followed Sam upstairs. Before the blonde could even open her mouth, it was like he had read her mind and was already speaking. She sighed softly [color=lightblue] "Then...what did he do Sammy? What happened....?" [/color] Amelia breathed out with concern. Her soft eyes taking in his stairs. He did look in a bad shape...but he probably suffered worse than this...but it didn't stop her from worrying. Hearing the banging, she could see the chair that kept Skye trapped in the bathroom. Looking around, Amelia spotted another bathroom and walked into the room with Sam. She heard his joke and she managed a small smile. [color=lightblue] "I care about you Sammy...when are you going to get that through that thick skull of yours? You're hurt...so of course I am fussing." [/color] she touched his arm softly, looking up into his icy blue eyes. She bit her lip slightly. [color=lightblue] "You know, you can always tell me what happened...I just need to know you're going to be okay. I can't lose you...not again." [/color] she breathed out. Amelia felt her heart clench at the thought...god if he disappeared again or something would happen to him...she'd be lost and in pain. Sam meant more to her, more than she could say. And he better know that. Grabbing a towel, she turned on the water tap, wetting the towel a bit before she gently started to clean of Sam's face. Wiping away the dried and current bleeding. The towel helping the bleeding stop after a while. Sam was quiet as she talked, mind racing to decide on what to do. Did he tell the truth? After what he did after the last vision, just up and leaving for two years without so much as a letter to those he loved.. would he be pushing Amelia away by telling her about this one? As she began wiping his face softly, he sighed quietly, looking into her sweet, green eyes. [i][color=purple]"Shit, Sammy... if you can't trust Lia with this, who can you trust?"[/color][/i] He thought to himself. [color=purple]"Lia..."[/color] He began, taking her hands in his and lowering them from his face. [color=purple]"We didn't fight... I - uh... had another vision."[/color] He said quietly, now staring quite intently at the bathroom sink, because hell, he didn't want to see any negative expressions on her face right now. Watching Sam's expression change, it seemed like he was debating with himself for a few moments. Amelia stopped, the wet towel still in her hands as she felt Sam take her hands into his. His touch was soft...gentle and made her heart beat a bit faster. Holding his hands softly, Amelia gave his uninjured hand a soft squeeze. When he confessed about having another vision...she felt herself stiffen slightly. [i]He wouldn't leave her, Rissa and his sister again would he?[/i] The thought raced through her mind. The thought hurt. [color=Lightblue] "Sammy..." [/color] Amelia breathed out as she touched his cheek gently, as he turned to look at the bathroom sink. [color=lightblue] "What was it about?...." [/color] she breathed out, not sure if she wanted to know or not. But the thought slipped out anyways. [color=lightblue] "Please don't push me away because of it again....I want to help you. I don't know how...but maybe there's something we can do. I can't stand the thought of it hurting you and you leaving again.....We'll figure it out somehow...we have to." [/color] she leaned against Sam slightly, in attempt to embrace him. But with him facing slightly away from her, it was a slight awkward hug. Her green eyes soft, filled with concern, and the deep affection she felt for Sam. [color=lightblue] "I really care about you Sam...I do! I hope you know how much you mean to me....I..." [/color] Amelia breathed out, slightly babbling. She could feel her heart race...God...how was she supposed to tell Sam how she felt? Did he even like her...in that way? What was worse...watching him leave for the second time? Or not telling him how she felt and then seeing him go again? Both options made her heart clench in agony at the thought. [color=lightblue] "You've always meant a lot to me Sammy...always. You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for me...only....I...I just...I don't just see you as a friend." [/color] the words slipped out before she could stop herself. [i]Oh crap....did I just say that?[/i] she sounded a bit alarmed in her head...wondering what on earth Sam was thinking about right now. [color=lightblue] "If...you...I get you might like someone else...there's probably someone...I...I don't really know how you feel......" [/color] she was muttering, worried how Sam felt about her. Her words not making much sense...only they were in some aspect. She was freaking out internally....and now that it had slipped out...she felt tense and worried. Biting down on her lip-her cheeks were bright rouge as she was blushing rather profusely. He had barely listened to her words in the guilt he was feeling - all of those negative emotions had rushed back to him from last time. His vision, seeing it happen... what he did to those men, and then the years that followed... of course Lia was worried about what he would do. However, as she leaned into a hug, and then uttered those words... Sammy was snapped back to the present, and he looked at her in stunned silence as she babbled. [color=purple][i]"Amelia likes me? [b]Me?!"[/b][/i][/color] Were his first thoughts as he watched Amelia, he was growing redder and more flustered each second. As she began speculating about someone else, he put up one hand to stop her. [color=purple]"Lia - "[/color] He paused. What words could even begin to describe how he felt? How could he give a speech about his feelings for her when mere sentences wouldn't cover the half of it? It was at that point, that Sammy decided that actions spoke louder than words. Cupping her face with his uninjured hand - bandaged one still holding her hand - he softly pressed his lips against hers. Breaking away after a few blissful seconds, he offered up a sweet smile. [color=purple]"Surely that answers your question?"[/color] He murmured, still cupping her heart shaped face. In the middle of her confession and worrying about his feelings...his gesture cutting her off. The way her nickname sounded so soft and gentle coming from Sam made her blush even more. Her green eyes, gazing into his. There was a mix of emotions; her affections for Sam...the worry about his situation and how he felt...and just the intensity of the moment. It was all written all over her face. Feeling his hand softly touch her face, her hand still holding his bandaged one. Her thumb softly brushed over his uncovered wrist. When Sam leaned in, kissing her...Amelia's heart sped up slightly skipping a beat. His lips were soft, and loving against hers. Her heart beating so fast, she thought he could almost hear her heart racing. Amelia savored his lips and the kiss for a few blissful moments. Her soft lips brushing against his, as he pulled back and Amelia smiled up at Sam, with a blush covering her cheeks. Still gazing up into his eyes-getting lost in them. [color=lightblue] "Maybe it did." [/color] she smiled softly, almost as if she was teasing him. But hoping he had something else to say. Chuckling softly, Sammy leant back just a bit so she could see him properly. [color=purple]"Lia, there was never any contest for you. When we met, I knew we were going to be friends - even when I was screwing around with other people, I had this inkling that there was something... more between us. You've always been there for me - even when I acted like a major asshat and disappeared for two years, you took me back in."[/color] Sam began, still smiling, any emotions that had previously been felt all but gone now. The vision no longer worried him - nothing really did right now. [color=purple]"I can't imagine what I would do without you. Those two years, I was just so damn angry... and empty. But when I came back, and saw you, everything just healed up. I hate to sound like some dorky chick-flick with Ryan Gosling in it, but I know I'm not exaggerating when I say that you complete me."[/color] He finished up, pale skin regaining some colour now with his own light blush. Jeez.. he'd never poured his heart out like that before. Like, ever. Now here he was, blushing like some Prom Queen getting her first kiss. Amelia couldn't help but smile hearing his chuckle. The sound always warmed her heart. Listening to Sam speak, she listened intently and with attention to every single tender and heartfelt word. Her eyes never leaving his. She giggled a little bit as he refereed acting like a Ryan Gosling character from a chick-flick. Shaking her head, she just smiled. [color=lightblue] "You sound just like the Sammy, I always knew, cared about and fell for in the first place. Maybe a little bit more romantic...but to me, you're still the Sammy I love." [/color] she smiled softly as she pressed her forehead against his gently. Just gazing into his eyes deeply with affection. [color=lightblue] "I am not going anywhere, I promise Sam. You have me and you won't have to be alone. I can't imagine leaving you like that and leaving you behind. I wouldn't do that to you. It's always been you for me and always will be.....you complete me too Sammy....I always felt like something was missing before I met you. There's just no one like you, for me." [/color] she whispered with a soft smile, almost like she was scared someone might be listening to them. Blushing along with Sam. He looked rather adorable blushing.[color=lightblue] "You're so cute when you blush...that was the most wonderful thing I ever heard someone say to me." [/color] she commented as she gazed up into his eyes smiling at him. Wrapping her arms around him, Amelia embraced him a bit more fully. She pressed a soft kiss to his shoulder, snuggling into him and she breathed in his scent. They could figure things out together...as long as they had each other. Things would be okay. Sam always made her feel safe and protected. Now he made her feel even more loved and appreciated than before. She brushed a hand through his dark hair softly, before rubbing the back of his neck gently. At Amelia's last comment, Sam suppressed a smirk. Man, she loved this romantic stuff. [color=purple]"Just call me Romeo...actually... better not. That guy was a sap."[/color] He said with a chuckle as the two embraced. [color=purple][i]"He also screwed up like, everyone's life in that damn story.[/i][/color] He added silently, smiling as he felt Amelia's hand run through his hair. [color=purple]"So... want me to sweep you off your feet, then carry you downstairs to alert the not-so-happy-couple of the good news?"[/color] He asked with a grin - and then a pause. [color=purple]"That is, if you're interested in doing the whole couple thing ourselves. Dorky movie nights, candle-lit dinners... skinny-dipping..."[/color] He added with another laugh, hoping to get more blushes out of her. Amelia couldn't help but giggle at his comment about Romeo. She smirked looking up at him. [color=lightblue] "Mhh...I'll have to call you Heathcliff then." [/color] she said, poking his chest playfully. Seeing the look on his face, she just giggled smiling at him. [color=lightblue] "Just kidding. You'll always be Sammy." [/color] she smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before another soft peck to his lips. As she heard his words about sweeping her off the feet, and the more sweet words that followed...she turned bright red at the mention of Skinny Dipping. Amelia looked flushed and blushed, she smiled at him. [color=lightblue] "Well well...smooth talker, cool...smart...charming....bit of a dare-devil and romantic...who knew? What else don't I know about you Sammy?" [/color] she asked with a soft smile, blushing. [color=lightblue] "If you asking me about couple things...is your way of asking me out. Then yes. Feel free to sweep me off my feet any time you like, handsome." [/color] she smiled softly looking up at him. Athough pulling a face at the mention of Heathcliff - urgh, of all the classic 'gentlemen' to pick from.. he'd prefer Romeo over that guy - Sam grinned as Amelia said yes to his less than obvious question. [color=purple]"Well - I would take you up on that offer, but I'm afraid that I'm slightly drunk - and my hand hurts."[/color] He said with a chuckle, putting out a pet lip in a joking manner as he turned on the puppy-dog eyes. To be fair, the hand did actually hurt like a bitch. It had been easy to ignore in the past few blissful minutes, but he was fairly certain there were still some shards of glass in there. [color=purple]"However, I would be happy to reveal more hidden things about myself. For example, I got a few tattoos on my... lonesome expedition last year -"[/color] He paused, upturning his wrists so she could see them. She had probably seen them before, as he preferred wearing short-sleeved stuff, even during the colder months. [color=purple]"These ones are obvious - but there's one on my back that you'd just love."[/color] He said with a waggle of his eyebrows. Well.. big back tattoo meant one would have to take one's shirt off. The idea of skinny dipping just became more fun. Amelia watched Sam with gentle eyes and she smiled softly, as she rose a slight eyebrow at the mention of him being drunk. [color=lightblue] "For a slight drunk person, you're holding up better than most." [/color] she smiled and when she saw his puppy dog eyes she felt her heart melt. [color=lightblue] "Aww, my poor baby." [/color] she pouts at him cutely before she gently took his bandaged hand and began to unwrap it so she could examine his hurt hand. [color=lightblue] "There's some shards in there...I'll be gentle. I promise. You might want to take a drink...or something. Might hurt a little bit." [/color] she told him softly, with a warning. [color=purple]"Thanks for the warning, Doctor Lia."[/color] He said with a laugh grabbing the bottle of rum. Sure, he looked like Captain Jack Sparrow swigging straight from it, but hell, it eased the pain. Also, Captain Jack Sparrow was freaking [i]awesome[/i]. Glancing into her first-aid kit, she pulled out a pair of tweezers and she then gently began to pull out the glass shards from his palm. Some were easily to pull out...some a bit harder. But Amelia had a soft and tender touch. Listening to Sam speak about tattoo's, she glanced at his wrists. Her finger gently brushing over one of his designs and she then blushed at the mention of him having one on his back. [color=lightblue] "One on your back you say?...what is it of?" [/color] she breathed out, curious to see what he had on his back. Her cheeks rouge at the thought of seeing him take off his shirt. Amelia bit her bottom lip blushing, as she put the tweezers back in her little aid-kit after all of the glass shards were out. She then took the time to clean Sam's hand wounds gently and carefully, before wrapping it up with a fresh and clean bandage. [color=purple]"Well, that feels much better. Or maybe I'm just drunker."[/color] Sammy shrugged, examining the clean and neat bandage on his hand. Amelia giggled lightly shaking her head, a soft smile on her face. [color=lightblue] "I should hope that you're feeling better. You had a few too many glass shards in there, so now it's better." [/color] [color=purple]"Oh, it's a cross. Well.. I don't really do it much justice by saying just a cross. It was one of those many doodles we did when we were bored in class - and after binge watching Supernatural. There is some definite tones of SPN in there."[/color] He said with a chuckle, then glancing at the ones on his wrists. [color=purple]"These ones are symbols of Hecate. Not sure why I got them, to be honest. I mean, the design is cool and all, but I wasn't feeling too close with my Mom at that point."[/color] He said with a roll of his eyes. Man... Freud would have a field day with him. Looking back up at Amelia, he was pleased to see her cheeks had remained red. [color=purple]"I say, Miss Johnston... are you blushing at the image of me naked?"[/color] He said with a suggestive, yet joking tone in his voice. As Sam spoke about the tattoo on his back; Amelia couldn't help but smile softly. So it didn't only hold significance to his favorite tv show...but also about them? The thought made her blush and smile a bit more; she knew the doodles he was talking about and the fact he had on his back, meant a lot more than it just being on a piece of paper. When he looked back at her and commented on her blush; Amelia swallowed slightly feeling bit nervous. [color=lightblue] "Huh........ what?" [/color] she asked, as his words somewhat snapped her out of the day-dream. She flashed him an innocent smile, as she realized what had been asked.[color=lightblue] "No...don't be silly Sammy." [/color] she commented, in attempts to hide the truth about her blushing. But the tone of his voice brought out a more bolder blush across her cheeks. She looked guilty as charged. Pretending to look around the bathroom, she bit her lip slightly. [color=lightblue] "Wow...is it hot in here...or is it just me?" [/color] Amelia breathed out-in attempt to disguise her blush about Sam for just feeling hot due to the temperature of the room. But the bathroom was pleasantly cool. [i]Okay maybe I am...is that so bad? [/i] a voice rung inside of her head, causing her blush to deepen further. That's when, she could pick up yelling from downstairs-it was mostly coming from Clarissa...some from Jay. Oh dear...it seemed like the love-birds were having their first argument. But Amelia could understand why..and what Clarissa was feeling. She could only hope, they would make up and forget Skye's messing. At first,they seemed to be arguing about what happened with Skye...but then the argument seemed to revolve around Sam and Jay's jealousy of the older male. Sam chuckled lightly at Amelia's flushed response, but the smile froze on his face as the voices from downstairs made themselves known. Sammy rolled his eyes, sighing lightly. [color=purple]"And here I thought we'd forgotten about that whole thing."[/color] He muttered dryly - then glancing at Amelia with a sheepish smile. [color=purple]"Okay, I may have been... mistaken when I said we hadn't fought outside. Words were exchanged - pretty much what you're hearing there, actually."[/color] He added, listening to them. Naturally, Clarissa was defending him - that probably didn't make things any better. Man, Jay had commitment issues. Or would that be self-esteem issues? Amelia was feeling flushed at Sam's chuckle and she bit her lip hearing him talk about him and Jay. She rose a slight eyebrow. [color=lightblue] "So why exactly does he have an issue with you? You didn't do anything wrong...you just defended Rissa from Skye. It's not a crime." [/color] Amelia breathed out as she was thinking things through. There was only so much she could hear from Jay's mouth...so she didn't catch almost everything he said about Sammy. She winced as she heard Clarissa snap: [color=red] "It's always Sam did this...Sam did that...Urgh! What's your issue with Sam?! He's been a good friend, and tried to be nice to you. At least he defended me when you kept silent, not doing anything. Him being on my side isn't a crime. Can you even hear yourself and what you're saying about one of my friends?" [/color] [Color=lightblue] "Wow...she's really upset with him. Not that I can blame her. She has a right to be upset." [/color] Amelia said as she could Clarissa's defense of Sam. It only made sense that Clarissa would be defending Sam...they had been friends for years' and given she was upset with Jay and his accusations of Sam, it was just getting worse. Sam let out a long sigh, stretching slightly as he ran a hand through his hair. [color=purple]"He seems to be under the impression that I'm going to steal Clarissa away from him. I mean, yeah, we do the odd flirt now and then, but who don't I flirt with? I flirt with the damn teachers."[/color] He said with a chuckle, thinking back to his conversation with Miguel before they had left. [color=purple]"He's just jealous. He'll get over it eventually - he just needs to focus on taming Clarissa's temper for now."[/color] He added, then grabbed the two glasses he had brought up with him and the bottle of rum. [color=purple]"Sooo... I think it would be pretty awkward going downstairs. Mini-party in the bedrooms?"[/color] He asked, smiling suggestively. Listening to Sam, Amelia just sighed shaking her head. [color=lightblue] "What gave him that idea? You've known Clarissa for years...we know you better than anyone. He should really tone down a little, with the jealousy and accusations, before Clarissa gets even more mad."[/color] she spoke, thinking out loud to herself more like than anyone else. She and Clarissa knew, that Sam flirted with anyone...not that it meant anything with most people. It was just Sam. At the suggestion of a Party, she cracked a smile and another blush at his suggestive smile. [color=lightblue] "Yeah, very strange indeed......Don't mind if I do...I think that sounds like a grand idea." [/color] she commented on the mini-party upstairs, with a slight smirk.But still failing to hide her blush. Sammy supposed that Jay had some right to feel a bit of jealousy - he didn't know Sam like Clarissa and Amelia did. But still, it should be obvious that he didn't like Clarissa in that way - she was his Platonic Partner in Crime, the little sister from another mister. He once saw Amelia in that way, but not so much now - they were partners in crime in a completely different way. Which was a refreshing change. Sam smiled to see her reaction to a party away from the troubled twosome downstairs - Sammy then opened the bathroom door and the pair walked along the corridor, looking for a bedroom or an upstairs lounge. It didn't long for them to find a big-ass room; similar to the living room downstairs, only with a different colour scheme. Jeez, Demeter really went all out on this place. [color=purple]"Any preference for music?"[/color] He asked Amelia, noticing the sound system and taking his phone from his pocket. The two had similar music tastes - but was she wanting dance, rock, or a slow song? Following Sam through the corridor; Amelia looked around the new and big entertainment room they stood in. It seemed like the Cabin was full of hidden surprises and different rooms for people's liking. It made her wonder, just how many people could fit here all together...definitely more than 5 that's for sure. Pursing her lips at the mention of music,she smiled [color=lightblue] "Mhh...leaving me to pick huh?" [/color] she teased with a smile as she walked over to the music selection and began to look through the rock music, finding a suitable CD. she slipped it on, and turned up the volume so it drowned out the arguing from downstairs. [color=lightblue] "There we go...how about that?" [/color] Amelia asked, beaming at Sammy with a smile, wondering what he thought of the current music choice. Since they both liked Rock, this should have been a good choice. [center][img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/91051a41a331158196d7a2f336da1201/tumblr_n1k333sSJM1ttoxpno2_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/degrassi/images/a/a1/Damon-dancing.gif/revision/latest?cb=20131120030314[/img][/center] Sammy laughed as he heard a favourite - now, one couldn't go wrong with AC/DC, but [url=https://youtu.be/H2Gwr-VrNFM]Whole Lotta Rosie[/url] was arguably one of their best songs. [color=purple]"Excellent choice, Lia!"[/color] He announced loudly over the music as he handed her a drink, already dancing himself. In no time at all, Sammy had abandoned the glasses and was drinking straight from the bottle, shirt unbuttoned as he continued dancing with Lia. Lia just smiled at his approval. [color=lightblue] "I am glad you approve." [/color] she beamed with a smile. Joining in with the drinking, mostly drinking from the bottle of Borboun, sometimes a bit of rum as she danced around with Sammy. [Center][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140415021829/degrassi/images/6/60/Damon-salvatore-dancing-on-tvd.gif [/img] [/Center] Amelia flipped her hair a few times, her locks brushing against Sam's neck. The pair partying till 1 in the morning...by which time. Both were pretty much drunk, tired and oblivious to the argument that was still taking place downstairs. The pair passed out on the couch in the entertainment room. Amelia snuggled up against Sam, her arm wrapped around his waist, head on his chest asleep. The music long died down as they were asleep. Amelia feeling exhausted and too drunk to stay awake for the rest of the night. Staying awake just long enough to pull a blanket over he and Amelia, his arms encircling her as they settled down. Smiling lightly, he was pleased to see what had started out as a majorly crappy night had turned into something so good. Before long, both were asleep, both alcohol and tiredness catching up with them. [hr][hr] Unfortunately for Sam, it wasn't the smell of a delicious breakfast that awoke him, but a not-so-nice dream. [i]He knew it was a dream - but goddamn, it felt real. He could feel the cold air on his skin, hear the buzzing of the electric lights. He was back at the Academy... and someone was being attacked in front of him. He couldn't move, just stand in horror as the girl fell to the ground, neck hitting the curb and a resounding crack filling the night air-[/i] Sam awoke with a start, breathing heavily and heart hammering. Letting his head fall back onto the cushion beneath him, he placed a hand over his eyes, trying to relax. Of course - he'd almost forgotten about the aftershocks a vision brought with it. Amelia felt Sam squirm and move in his sleep-feeling his heavy breathing and his heart hammering inside of his chest. She woke up with concern. Groaning from the sleepiness, she looked up at Sam, still wrapped around him like she had been through the course of the night. [color=lightblue] "Sammy?" [/color] she asked, her voice sleepy as she touched his hand softly, trying to uncover his face to look into his eyes. [color=lightblue] "It was just a dream...you're okay. Everything's fine." [/color] Amelia did her best to reassure Sam, guessing it was a bad dream that woke him up and disturbed him greatly. She gently rubbed his side, trying to rub his back as best as she could in their position. Her touch soothing and tender, with reassurance and concern. She could smell the fresh aroma of breakfast in the air. But she was more concerned about Sam's well being at the moment. [color=lightblue] "Just take deep breaths..."[/color] she told him softly, placing a soft kiss to his cheek as she gave him a tender squeeze of reassurance, just hugging him. Snuggled up with him under the blanket for a few moments longer. Removing his hand, he looked at Amelia, managing a smile. [color=purple]"Just a dream... sure."[/color] He murmured, calming down almost immediately with her words. Unfortunately, it wasn't just a dream. It was someone dying - and he still couldn't see that person's damn face... if he didn't know who it was, how in the hell was he supposed to help them? Deciding that he could deal with all of that when he got back to the Academy, he returned Amelia's kiss, only planting his on her lips, pulling her closer with his arm. He would have been quite happy to stay like that for another few hours, but a grumble from beneath the blankets rearranged his priorities. Stupid stomach. [color=purple]"Let's hope this breakfast sobers us up - I don't think any of us are fit to drive, but to hell with it."[/color] He said with a grin. As Sam pulled her closer, kissing her. Amelia rested her forehead against his. Kissing Sam for a few moments. Hearing his stomach grumble, she smiled as her nose rubbed against his gently. [color=lightblue] "I have a feeling, Jay might be the only one that isn't drunk here..."[/color] she smiled softly. Pressing a soft kiss to his lips before they both rose up from the couch. Amelia stretched slightly, yawning a bit as she felt her stomach growl...it was empty and breakfast smelled rather delicious. Walking out of the room, she noticed Clarissa walking out of one of the bathrooms. [color=lightblue] "Morning...sunshine...feeling better?" [/color] she asked, hoping Clarissa was doing better that morning. Looking pale as a sheet...brown hair a slight mess. Clarissa just groaned-throwing Amelia an irritable look when she got called Sunshine. Clarissa had passed out in the morning..mid argument with Jay and had slept till now...having throw up in the bathroom, Her stomach was twisting, churning and growling. Heard Skye's yelling from the bathroom and winced, holding her hands over her ears...her head and ears were ringing. Amelia saw the state of Clarissa-clearly still suffering from last's night drinking. She touched her shoulder, tenderly [color=lightblue] "You okay, Rissa...?"[/color] she asked. Wincing, Clarissa whimpered [color=red] "Ahh...not so loud, Lia. And someone please let the idiot out of the bathroom....I can't stand the yelling." [/color] everything seemed so loud to her right now. Clarissa groaned, looking like she might throw up any moment now...nor was she in any state to argue..nor did she want to. Not after last night...she had enough of the argument. Her head was still spinning from the argument with Jay. Sammy smiled as he overheard Clarissa and Amelia, gathering up a few things before exiting the room; shirt still unbuttoned, and black hair messier than Clarissa's. [color=purple]"Damn Rissa - what did I tell you about the vodka?"[/color] He said through his laughter upon seeing her, then digging through his bag to hand her some Tylenol. [color=purple]"Take two of these, eat some breakfast, and I'll make you my famous hangover cure before we leave."[/color] He said with a grin, glancing at Amelia with another smile before walking over to the bathroom, removing the chair and opening the door with a flourish. Inside was a livid looking Skye - the paint was gone from his hair and face, but as he'd been locked in here without any of his bags, he was still in the crumpled and paint-spattered clothes. Naturally, he hadn't even attempted to clean up the paint from the bathroom walls and floor, but he had heaped towels in teh bath, for which had been an undoubtedly uncomfortable night. [color=purple]"Skye! Glad to see you're awake - you sleep well?"[/color] Sam asked sarcastically with a jovial smile on his face. Obviously remembering what had happened last night, Skye didn't dare say anything to him; instead muttering under his breath furiously and pushing past Sam, heading towards his bedroom. Skye paused as soon as he saw Clarissa, giving her a murderous look; but quickly backed down as soon as he saw the look on both her and Sam's faces. Once he stormed into his bedroom, Sam smiled to hear him furiously demanding a cab to pick him up at once. [color=purple]"Well, that's that out of the way. Let's get some breakfast, ladies."[/color] He said with a grin directed back at Clarissa and Amelia. Hearing Sam, Clarissa groaned at his words and just shook her head. [color=red] "Yeahh...yeah. Cut the crap....not now Sam!" [/color] she whined, not in the mood to be told off for touching a drink she wasn't supposed to. When Sam handed her some Tylenol, she glanced at the bottle but she stopped seeing her twin walk out...the murderous look caused her to stop. Feeling a shiver down her spine. She then smiled a bit at Sam as he mentioned breakfast. Hearing Skye on the phone, she sighed in relief. At least he wouldn't be going back with them. Amelia watched Skye storm out and she watched him with careful eyes and she glared behind the blonde male, before she flashed a smile towards Sam. [color=lightblue] "Sounds good...I am hungry." [/color] she said, as they were about to walk downstairs. Seeing Jay was waiting for them...the table all nicely set up. Clarissa blinked, rubbing her face as she saw Jay had set up the breakfast table for everyone...apart from Skye. [color=red] "You made, breakfast?" [/color] she asked, looking at Jay with a slight surprise and shock, he managed to make breakfast so quick. She grabbed one of her glasses, popping two Tylenol into her mouth, drinking it down with berry juice before she handed the medicine bottle back to Sam. Hearing her phone ringing, she groaned. [color=red] "Not know...people just leave me alone." [/color] she groaned, annoyed. Whoever was calling her, better have a good explanation. She debated if she should or shouldn't answer...but she couldn't even remember where she left her phone last night. With a wave of her hand, she dismissed the phone call for now, rubbing the back of her neck. That's when Skye stormed down a bit later; fully dressed in clean clothes and his bags ready to go. He glared at everyone...steely eyes and deadly glare. As he pushed past everyone, his bag swung a bit to much. Knocking Clarissa into the nearest wall...Clarissa fell to the floor with a groan, feeling her head hitting the door frame. Amelia gasped seeing Clarissa land on the floor hurt. She rushed over to help her up. [color=lightblue] "Are you okay, Riss?" [/color] she asked worried and shot Skye a death-glare. [color=lightblue] "You and your bag of death...went to far this time." [/color] she spat him. Some blood dripping down Clarissa's neck, as the back of her head got injured with impact of hitting the door frame. [color=purple]"Hot damn, Jay! You just made eggs and bacon fancy!"[/color] Sam announced with glee as he saw the plates, stomach growling to add to his pleased tone. Breakfast had never looked so good - usually breakfast for Sammy was a very rushed piece of toast, and then about three cheap bacon sandwiches from the café for brunch. Never stuff like this. He either slept too late to completely miss breakfast entirely, or just never have time before classes started. Out of all his excuses that he had for teachers, he doubted that 'a fine ass piece of pig' was going to cut it. However, before he could make a beeline for the table and to devour the food, Skye stormed back downstairs. He was back to his fabulously perfect and pissed self - and proved the latter by knocking Clarissa down. And as Clarissa fell, the bang of her head making a dull thudding sound, something clicked in Sam's mind as he remembered the vision fully. The girl who had fallen, who had broken her neck... It was Clarissa. The sudden realisation of this - of one of his best friends dying - and the fact that Skye had actually been ballsy enough to go ahead and hurt her - caused Sam's temper to snap. Before Amelia could even finished her sentence, Sam had powered on over, grabbing Skye by the throat before dragging him towards the front door - slamming it open and throwing the younger kid down the steps of the cabin. It had been a forceful throw, and Skye yelped at each step he landed on - finally coming to a stop at the base and his head smacking straight into one of the wooden fence posts marking the stairs. He let out a howl of pain and Sam watched him sit up, a satisfied smirk on his face as he saw Skye holding his obviously broken nose in pain. [color=royalblue]"SAM! YOU BROKE MY FUCKING DOSE!"[/color] He screeched, blood pouring from his nose and spilling over his hands. His clothes were no longer quite spotless. [color=purple]"Gosh, did I?"[/color] Sam asked, feigning innocence. [color=purple]"Tell you what, I'll come on down there and break both your cheekbones too - then you'll get these gorgeous black eyes to go with the bloodiness."[/color] [color=royalblue]"Fuck you Sam! I'll pay you back for this! All of you! Including my dasty whore of a sis-"[/color] Skye's rant cut off as his hair suddenly ignited in flames, and screaming in shock, ran headfirst straight into the lake. Admittedly, Sam felt a little bit bad. But his temper had spiked, and things go boom when that happens. [color=purple]"Hey, Elmer Fudd! Your cab's here; fuck off back to the Academy, and if I see you anytime in the next week, I'll slam your damn head in my car door. Repeatedly!"[/color] Sam called out from the cabin door as Skye resurfaced, spluttering both water and blood. He really looked a mess now - nose wonky, swollen and bloody, a black eye beginning to appear, and what was left of his hair was either severely uneven or just a charred black colour. The taxi driver seemed nonplussed; he was too busy gaping at the size of the cabin. Walking back in and closing the door, Sammy crouched by Clarissa, some anger still blazing away in his eyes, although there was mostly concern there. [color=purple]"Ouch... so much for getting rid of the headache."[/color] He said, wincing on her behalf as he saw the blood.