[b]Name:[/b] Catherine Valen [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Class:[/b] Imperial Guardsman [b]Psyker Powers:[/b] none [b]Equipment (Guns,armor,grenades/etc):[/b] -M36 Kantrael Pattern Lasgun -Autopistol -Combat Knife -2 Frag Grenades -Eldar Chainsword(taken as a prize during her first mission) [b]Notable Deeds:[/b] [i][b]Military Upbringing:[/b][/i] Catherine was drafted into the military as soon as she was old enough to do so. She didn’t really have much choice in the matter as both her parents were Imperial Guardsmen as well. Like that, she raised as a soldier for as long as she can remember. [i][b]Survivor of Eskizara I: [/b][/i]Just after she finished her basic training and was assigned to a regiment, she was send along with her squad to the backwater world of Eskizara I on a routine scouting mission. They fell under hostile fire as soon as they were on the ground. Their ship was destroyed, most of the other soldiers killed along with their commander. The survivors fled towards the old ruins on the planet. Following their retreat, the battle continued to rage for days, as Catherine along with the rest of her comrades were killed one by one. It turned out there were Eldar forces massing on the planet when they arrived. At the dawn of the second day on the planet, Catherine was the only survivor as the others were killed. Following her instincts, she took the rest of the grenades from her dead comrades, rigged the entire building she was in to explode when it’s breached and fled once more. Afterwards she waged guerilla warfare with the elder for 3 more days before reinforcements from the Imperial Guard arrived when her squad didn’t report in time. She took the Eldar Chaisword as a prize from one of the xeno she killed. She barely survived her wounds from that event. [i][b]The Battle of Burui V:[/b][/i] Later in her career she participated in the clash with Dark Eldar forces. On the lasted world of Burui V, she along with her fellow guardsmen clashed with the Dark Eldar forces. After a long and bloody battle, both forces were forced to break off combat and disengage when the uncorrupted Eldar appeared. Afterwards luckily a three way battle didn’t occur for the Eldar had only appeared to fight their corrupted brethren. With the combined efforts of the Imperial guard and the Eldar forces, the Dark Eldar were rooted out of the planet. [i][b]Defeater of Wych: [/b][/i]In the battle of Burui V, Catherine, engaged into a battle with a Dark Eldar Wych alone. After a long and painful struggle, showing surprising agility and skill with a sword, she defeated the enemy elite. Once again she nearly died from her wounds after that though. [b]Time with Inquisitor: [/b]None [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/122/640x1040_20962_Female_gun_division_2d_sci_fi_portrait_girl_woman_soldier_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] Hight: 1.79m [/hider] [b]40K Knowledge Question: [/b] -Who turned Horus to Chaos? Erebus?